Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Adrenal fatigue, what is and how to help it

Are you suffering any of these Symptoms”  These are the symptoms of hypoadrenia and may include:
Excess neck, head and shoulder tension
Unusual craving for salt
Must lie down when stressed or upset
Form goose bumps easily
High pitched voice when stressed
Sensitivity to bright lights
Lump in the throat when upset
Allergies, especially skin, inhalant and asthma
Excess perspiration, cold sweats
Easily startled by noise, heart pounds
Low blood sugar, hypoglycemia
Chronic Fatigue
Brain Fog

Over time, the adrenals may become exhausted, again due to chronic stress and poor nutritional support.  Low adrenals are 80% more likely to occur than hyperadrenia, as the latter often turns into the former.

In Chinese Medicine, the adrenals-kidney complex is looked at as a single energetic union and is the source of chi. 

Think of them as Batteries.  They say that this battery is 50% rechargeable, which means you can exhaust it to a point & by resting and rejuvenation, your body will naturally recharge.  Maybe this is the intelligence behind resting on the 7th day.  However, especially nowadays, we push ourselves beyond normal exhaustion, we may get a “2nd wind” of energy, but at this point we’re already dipping into our non rechargeable half of the battery, robbing your body of future energy resourses.

The adrenals are little glands that sit atop our kidneys.  Without them, our bodies could not adapt to STRESS.  Caffeine and sugar are the 2 worst dietary adrenal stressors.  Under active and exhausted adrenals are a prime signature of chronic stress. 

A combination of poor adrenal nutrition in the first place, along with accumulated, habitual stress responses conspire to exhaust our batteries, sometimes beyond repair. Under chronic stress, the adrenals can become initially overactive (hyperadrenia).

Addison’s Disease, is associated with chronic under-secretion of adrenal hormones.

Cushing’s Syndrome is excess secretion of the same, often caused by a benign tumor on the pituitary.  This condition may show as a masculinization in young women as well as other metabolic disturbances.

Low adrenals may also induce a form of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar due to deficient hormones to maintain proper levels of blood sugar.  There is also a strong link between low adrenals and menopausal symptoms, as the over worked and under nourished glands fail to be able to compensate for the natural reduction in female hormones.

It is very important to support the adrenals nutritionally. Just treating hem energetically can put increased demands on a gland already struggling to keep up, so please try to limit the main dietary stress as well of sugar, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.

Licorice and the adrenals:  most hypoglycemics have problems feeding themselves, for they crave protein and sugar, yet these substances are often exhausted in hypoglycemic.

You need to feed the adrenals with licorice root and hawthorne berries, the latter being said to produce natural adrenalin.  You need to take high quality protein, as in nuts, seeds and legumesSprouted sunflower seeds, sprouted almonds, and chia seeds are all high quality sources of protein.  The other seeds and nuts are good as well.

When suffering from hypoglycemia, my teacher advised a power packed drink, which helped every time
In a blender, place a handful of soaked or sprouted almonds,
a cup or 2 of water,
a banana,
some pineapple juice,
a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast
and a handful of chia seeds

Blend until the seeds thicken the drink. 
This mild but very helpful in feeding high vibration protein to the system.

Sarsaparilla also contains cortin, one of the hormones secreted by the adrenals.  The body will die almost immediately if this hormone is stopped but if there is only a small or insufficient amount, the body becomes easily ill and developes nervous depression and general weekness.  So many maladies are related to adrenal weekness and exhaustion, including hypoglycemia, so people should take note if they are striving to rebuild their adrenals.  Sarsaparilla may be able to help.

Cell deterioration. Any time a person has cell deterioration, be it called by whatever name medical science can come up with:  melanoma, carcinoma, malignant or benign, the adrenals function must be investigated, so that if there is some dysfunction, it can be remedied through diet and herbs.

More remedies
Adrenals formula contain the following usually:  (adrenestone) contains mullien, lobelia, Siberian ginseng, gotukola, hawthorne berries, cayenne and ginger

As this formula corrects any imbalance in the adrenals it also compensates for any stress placed on the heart.

Licorice:  The steroidal content has also brought the herb into some prominence for healing and restoring the adrenals.  About every 5hours, the adrenals need some sort of noursishment in order to continue supplying strength to the body.  If a meal or some other nourishment is not forthcoming, licorice can supply the adrenals.

Pancreas Formulas:  Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia involve the breakdown of the adrenal glands as well as the pancreas.  As time went on,we found that some of our ailing pancreas clients, though the sugar and insulin problem was adjusted, would have problems with the pituitary, pineal and adrenal glands.  The pancreas doesn’t work alone, but is assisted by other glands. 

The success we have found to help all ages is:
One part of each of the following:
Golden seal root
Uva ursi
Licorice root

Juice for the adrenals:  Carrot and spinach, pineapple.

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