Monday, December 21, 2015

Video showing Live Blood Microscopy using the PEMF

This is a quick little video to show you the before and after of what PEMF does.

"We can only be as healthy as our cells are!"

Just 1 - 8 minute session,
which is totally relaxing and non invasive,
can assist the body to 
increase energy
cell absorption with nutrients & supplements
increase circulation
reduces acid build up
and helps you to recover faster than you could on your own.

Friday, December 11, 2015

For those suffering with Migraines

For those of us suffering from Migraines, finding the ways to reduce the amount of times we get themA journal is the most effective way of doing this.  Keep track of the foods, the barometric pressure, your cycle, etc., is one the best ways of helping to pin point what’s causing them. 
and the severity, can be a definite battle.  A lot of the time we don’t even know what triggered them.  Was it something we ate, barometric pressure, a smell, that time of the month, environmental, chemical???  Trying to identify the triggers is the best way to manage these disabling headaches. 

Migraines are characterized as an intense throbbing, pulsating pain usually on one side of the head, but not always...  From experience, I know these characteristic very from person to person.  Migraines appear to run in families and affects 3 times more women than men.  They can last from 4 – 72 hours, and can be debilitating.  Affecting  home life, jobs and general well being.  Migraines occur due to a constriction of blood vessels surrounding the brain. 

Certain foods can cause migraines, while others can prevent or even treat them. Common food triggers usually include cheeses, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits and vinegar.  These foods contain a compound called tyramine which has been shown to aggravate migraine frequency and severity.  Be aware of eating leftovers, as tyramine content increases over time. 
Tannins and sulphites found in tea and red skinned apples also seem to be a trigger.  Deli meats containing nitrites and additives such as MSG should also be avoided.  The glutamate found in MSG widens blood vessels and acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter, that triggers headaches.

COFFEE, for example, can sometimes knock out a migraine.

Foods rich in magnesium, calcium, complex carbohydrates, and fiber have been used to cure migraines.

GINGER—the ordinary kitchen spice—may help prevent and treat migraines with none of the side-effects of drugs.

The herb FEVERFEW also effectively prevented migraines in placebo-controlled research studies.

Do yourself a favor by doing a heavy metal detox.  Research shows that migraine sufferers have significantly higher levels of some heavy metals as well as chronic mineral deficiencies.  Migraine patients have 4 times the cadmium, twice the lead and 4 times the amount of manganese in their bloodstream.

Consider getting tested for Mineral Deficiencies … Certain minerals were also significantly lacking in Migraine Sufferers.  They found that the healing individuals had twice the amount of COPPER,  3 ½ times the amount of MAGNESIUM and 24 times the amount of ZINC

Magnesium appears to dilate blood vessels and therefore has been shown to be successful in migraine prevention.  Taken in a chelated form (taurate, glycinate) at a minimum of 600 mg daily, has been shown to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.  A reduction in the duration and intensity of the attack will be greatly helped by magnesium. 

Riboflavin, more commonly referred to as Vitamin B2, also shows positive results.  400 mg of B2, is what is recommended. 
Also Butterbur Extract (which is a weed from Europe) has been shown to be positive.  Please be sure you are getting this from a reliable source though as it may contain harmful alkaloids.  The amount of Butterbur Extracts needs to be around 75mg/daily.

Where are you going?  Enviromental factors such as working in the heat or even the extreme cold, offices with fluorescent lighting can trigger a migraine or anything extreme, outdoors in the brilliant sunshine, exercising, etc.  I’ve seen a lot of women that have migraines when it’s close to their Menses, so note where you are in your menstrual cycle as well when you are journaling.  The drop in estrogen before a woman’s menses can trigger a migraine attack.

Routine is important for sufferers.  Try to keep the same routine daily, it will also help with your tracking of what is bringing the migraines on.  Go to bed and wake up at the same time daily.  Eat at the same time daily if possible and eat smaller, more frequent meals to keep your blood sugar levels balanced and drink plenty of water. 

Realize though that the wholistic approach may take a little longer to see positive results.  If you want to try anything in the wholistic arena, whether it be supplements or alternative therapies, or a combination of both, please give it a good try… 3 months minimum.  It will be well worth it, and no side affects from those nasty prescriptions, not to mention the cost of those migraine meds.  It is often the right combination of alternative practices along with supplements that will warrant the best results, but be persistant please!!!

For many, using pharmaceutical drugs has terrible side effects… there are many wholistic approaches that can help reduce migraine frequency and severity, without the side effects of the medications.  If you would like to try Biofeedback or PEMF (Pulse Electro Magnetic Frequency) for your migraines, please call me for an appointment to set up your sessions:

Beyond Awareness
Hypnosis & Biofeedback

** remember, you do not have to be in the flesh to benefit from regular biofeedback sessions, but the PEMF you have to be….

Bladder Incontinence, Pumpkin Seed Oil & PEMF

This is definitely worth a try especially as we age and reach menopause and beyond.  

Dr. S. Adam Ramin, Urologist, Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in LA, tells us … When estrogen production takes a dip, it weakens the pelvic muscle that holds your bladder in the proper position, paving the way for urinary incontinence. And if that happens, you’re more likely to have an accident when you laugh or sneeze. Usually it gets worse from there and you find even lifting things or being out in the cold will make the urgency too strong to resist! 

If this is happening to you, you need to take care of it before symptoms worsen.  

Studies suggest to try Pumpkin seed oil which will strengthen those muscles, cutting your risk of leaks as much as 57% in 3 weeks.  You can find the oil in the health food store and follow package directions for dosage. 

Also shown to be beneficial is Biofeedback Sessions and also PEMF therapy. 

Book now for either Biofeedback or the PEMF Therapy...
Belinda Rathwell
Wholistic Essentials Wellness Centre
3585 Elliott Road
West Kelowna, BC

** the Biofeedback does not have to be done in person, but the PEMF Bed does!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Testosterone. In Women???

The Benefits of Testosterone in Women
Fights depression
Builds bone and muscle
Keeps you lean
Boosts sex drive 
reduces anxiety
Makes you more confident
Supports cognition and memory
Improves hair, skin & nails
Protects the brain from dementia

When I work on women and I get into their hormone profiles, I see a huge lack in many of their testosterone levels.  Testosterone is one of the key hormones in a woman’s body that is more than often overlooked.  We think of it as being a male hormone … but it isn’t just for men!

I hear so many complain about not being able to lose weight, feeling anxious for no reason, no sex drive, their bodies being flabby no matter how much they are working out and dieting, being exhausted!  Although there can be many reasons for the above issues … testosterone levels is often the problem and are often overlooked.  The doctors usually lean towards depression and before you know it, you are prescribed antidepressants, when that is not the issue at all.  All it takes is a simple blood test, but few doctors think to order this test, so thousands of women remain untreated and suffer needlessly.  Things are all to often written off a Menopause (“some handle it better than others”).  Well we could have handled it better possibly if they had the Testosterone level checked in the first place!

Women make Testosterone in the ovaries and adrenal glands throughout their life time.  It reaches its peak around 20 and by 40, the effects of low testosterone become noticeable.

Have you noticed that you’ve lost that muscle to fat ratio?  The number on the weight scale stays the same, but you’ve become soft and doughy?  The muscles are replaced by fat.  Working out will not help if you do not have enough testosterone to build muscle.  Correcting testosterone can help you increase your metabolic rate and lose weight.  A leaner body will reduce your risk of weight related healthy conditions, including heart disease and breast cancer.  Plus, you clothes will fit better.  Why has this hormone been so overlooked?

When testosterone drops, women lose their confidence.  They can become sad and forgetful or have difficulty processing information.  It gives us our drive and a sense of vitality.  Women are more likely than men to suffer from depression and anxiety, both of which can be improved.  Why use an antidepressant if a boost in testosterone is all you need?  There is evidence that testosterone improves cognitive ability and may protect against dementia too.

I see women every day who would rather do the laundry than have sex.  They just have no interest or desire and sex is just one more chore on their long list.  You do not need to give up your sex life because your hormones are down.  Testosterone replacement can restore libido and put some spice back in the bedroom.

Testosterone promotes protein synthesis in the body.  This translates to shiny, thicker hair, better nails and firm elastic skin.  The bones benefit from it as well, increasing density and strength thereby preventing osteoporosis, fractures, and loss of height as we age.
Women and men with more fat, produce an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen, which causes you to store even more fat.  So you really need to watch your diet, eat more lean protein and vegetables, eliminate sugar, alcohol, processed grains, and artificial sweeteners. 

Exercise and resistance training,

Reduce stress as adrenal fatigue is a common and real condition caused by excess stress.  Since our adrenal glands make testosterone, help them by balancing cortisol and adrenal support (an integrative physician can diagnose and treat adrenal fatigue. 

The LIVER is responsible for hormone activation.  Do a cleanse as least once a year, twice would be better.

Limit alcohol consumption.

Supplement with:  Ashwaganda, maca, stinging nettle, chrysin, zinc, B complex, Vitamin C which all have evidence of boosting testosterone.

You may want to find a doctor who specializes in Bio Identical Hormone Replacement therapy.

If you are over the age of 40, you may benefit from hormone rebalancing.  Biofeedback has positive effects on balancing hormones in the body.  Biofeedback will help rebalance your body without pills and injections!

Schedule a Biofeedback Appointment Today

Wholistic Essentials Wellness Centre
3585 Elliott Road
West Kelowna, BC

So, You've tried EVERYTHING to get a good night's sleep?

Can’t remember the last time you had a good night’s sleep?  Try making your bedroom at least, an EMF Free Zone!!!

If you are suffering from any of these:  You really need to make some changes!!!
lack of drive,
memory challenges,
 general malaise that so many people suffer and cannot explain. 
Personality changes,
bipolar disorder,
schizophrenic tendencies,
challenges with memory and concentration
anger and depression

Wireless devices make poor bedside companions.  Wireless electromagnetic radiation has now consumed virtually every square inch of our homes.  Electromagnetic radiation comes in many forms.  Most people simply think of cell towers and Wi-Fi, which emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation.  It also consists of electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity, and light vibration.  All of these have been shown to be very detrimental to our health and can be devastating for those who are electromagnetically sensitive.

We've even gone out and bought MORE things that have to plug in to use in our bedrooms to help us sleep, and that's going backwards really.  Yes you may be using aromatherapy, hz music, etc... but do those devices have to be plugged in?  Most likely!

Protecting ourselves from wireless electromagnetic radiation is an entire new concept for many.  I’ve been preaching this for the last 10 years when people come to me complaining that they can’t sleep!!! Wireless technology is now the norm for most of our homes these days.  Cordless phones, wireless internet, wireless baby monitors, smart televisions, smart meters, bluetooth speakers and or course cell phones have become accepted as the norm and the way to communicate.  It is sad to see 4 people sitting at a table in a restaurant texting.  What has happened to looking into someone’s eyes and having a normal conversation?

A quality sleep is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. This has been established by the scientific and medical communities as absolutely essential.  During sleep we regenerate and our brains rebalance and detoxify so that our nervous system can direct the functions of our body.  None of this happens effectively without enough sleep or quality sleep.  In this day and age our sleep is being disrupted by invisible toxins.  That toxin is wireless radiation technology.

To get quality sleep, we must have a proper production of a hormone called melatonin which is produced by our pineal gland.  The pineal gland operates on the normal daily rhythms of the sun’s light.  Recent research has shown that the pineal gland responds not only to light, but also to radio frequency radiation.  This means that the pineal gland interprets RF radiation as light.  We get tired at night when the sun goes down because there is less light.  It is extremely common for people to have difficulty getting to sleep if they use a cordless or cell phone in the evening, or watch TV late into the night.  More and more people are finding that they are waking up at 2, 3 or 4 in the morning and having difficulties getting back to sleep.  Not only that, sleep quality has severely diminished.  Nothing turns off just because it’s night time, it’s only our bodies that need this to rebalance.

Think about this?  How many of us are on facebook late at night, (supposedly when we can’t sleep), the phone is always on the bedside as some of us don’t even have an alarm anymore and we use the phone as our alarm?  Cell phones give a burst of RF radiation every 15 seconds or so when they are on standby.  If the phone is in the bedroom … the brain is getting radiated on a consistent basis all night long.  Sleep quality suffers and so does the wireless user.  Ultimately, this can lead to numerous debilitating challenges.  The first signs are fatigue, lack of drive, memory challenges, and the general malaise that so many people suffer and cannot explain.  Personality changes, bipolar disorder, schizophrenic tendencies, challenges with memory and concentration as well as anger and depression can eventually result.  The incidence of brain cancer, tumours and other neurological diseases has gone up dramatically following the increase.  Just image the impact on society that this is having at present.  

Detaching from gadgets is highly beneficial for quality sleep.  It has been determined that blue light diminishes sleep quality and red light improves sleep quality.  Smart phone, computer, television and tablet screens emit large amount of blue light.  Most of them even go to what is called a “blue screen” when they are confused.  It could be called the “blue screen of insomnia”.   If you watch television late into the evening, you can improve your sleep quality by increasing the red tint and decreasing the blue tint of your picture.  Reading a book by candlelight or by incandescent light might be a better idea for an evening activity to promote quality sleep.  It is a wise move for nearly everyone to devote a couple of hours to thoroughly shielding their home, or at minimum their bedrooms, from wireless exposure because remember that even if you don’t have any wireless connections, your neighbors likely do.

Simple Methods to Shield Your Home from Wireless Exposure

Here are some of the top tips you can take to lower your EMF burden considerably:

Turn off all the fuses at night.

Shield your bed with a special metalized fabric to protect yourself from harmful frequencies that can disrupt cellular communication.

If you are constructing a new home or renovating one and the walls are being rebuilt you can install radiant barrier, which is a tough type of aluminum foil that will also very effectively screen out the EMF. This is what I did for my own bedroom.

Be aware that cell phones and wireless Internet features are not the only sources you need to be cautious of.  Essentially, most all electronics will generate EMF’s, including the wiring in your home, electric alarm clocks, electric blankets, computers and lamps, just to mention a few.

At minimum, move your bed so that your head is at least 3-6 feet from all electrical outlets. If you are constructing the walls you can put the wires inside pipes, which will virtually eliminate the fields that are generated in the room when the current runs through the wire.

Turn off everything electrical in your sleeping area, including your alarm clock, WI-FI, cell and portable phones.

Try to minimize placing a non-corded phone to your head, and avoid using your cell phone when in a car with a child or pregnant woman. If you absolutely need to use your cell phone, crack your window so the radiation can dissipate quicker.

Sleep on a non-metal bed and mattress.

Put wireless devices on a timer so they turn off at night (and consider offering to buy your neighbors timers for theirs as well).

Use a geomagnetometer to measure magnetic fields in your home. If you detect high levels, make sure your bed is not near these areas.

Put solar blankets in your windows, or get low-E window film to shield your windows (most exposure will come in through your windows)

Please Remember!!If you are really serious about protecting yourself in your home … Removing the wireless in one’s home is much simpler than one might imagine.  Wired phones are available at any electronic store.  Having a cord on your telephone is a mild inconvenience compared to having one of the above health challenges.  Hardwired internet is incredibly simple.  Simply get Ethernet cables connected to your computers.  We are not going back to the Stone age, we are only going back a decade or so.  It is well worth protecting your brain.  Going hardwired can be done for every single wireless technology available today except of course, for the cell phone.  Smart meters can be shielded so as to protect the dwelling and still communicate their necessary information.  Cell towers and the cell phone itself are one of the most dangerous components of wireless technology.  Extensive research has shown that long term use is directly related to huge increases in brain cancer risk.  The verdict is there, right in front of us.

There is an additional thing that must be done if one lives close to a cell tower.  Shielding the bedroom from radio frequency radiation is necessary though various techniques.  The simplest, most portable and economical is to get a protective bed canopy.  This looks like a mosquito net which would be used in the tropics, but is also protecting against radio frequency energy.  It is an absolute necessity for anyone living close to a cell tower.  In fact I think this is a wonderful idea for your bedroom anyways, cell tower or not!!! 

Other protection that is necessary for the bedroom is to turn off the electromagnetic fields that are being emitted from the wires in the walls even and especially the devices on bedside tables.  All house wiring emits electrical and magnetic fields and today these are far more toxic than they were years ago.  Our electricity is now filled with harmonic frequencies that are in disharmony with the frequencies of the human brain.  Shutting off the electrical power to the bedroom at night has an amazing effect on sleep quality!!!

Those who are creating a safe bedroom invariably find that the quality of their sleep is truly amazing.  The changes in people’s lives are astounding.  Virtually every aspect of their health improves including mental, physical and emotional health.  Create a space that is harmonic and safe, a safe zone … get sleeping, get healthy and do it.