Thursday, July 30, 2015

Having "Human Moments"

Human Moments
Although I've always been an advocate of affirmations and more so "positive thinking", I now have grown to realize that this is such a challenge for some and totally unreachable for others!  It takes a lot of hard work to remain in this mind frame, which, basically, ... if its to much hard work and no longer seems fun, people just won't do it!  They give up, most give up too quickly unfortunately, but hey ... we're all individuals!

As much as we TRY to remain positive, we all have times where we notice negative thoughts creeping in.  It seems best to just allow them to pass through with acceptance and without judging ourselves (which is one of the hardest things to do ... that dam old Judgement!).  When you try to suppress or force yourself to change your feelings, and the more you try to push them away, the more they push back.  Try instead to just allow it all to flow through, (just be an observer of it), without the judgement and you will find that the thoughts and emotions will pass.  If you can keep the judgement aspects out of it, you will find that they will pass a lot faster.  As a result, the right path unfolds in a totally natural way, letting you be who you truly are without beating yourself up for having that "human moment"!

Statements like "negative thoughts attracts negativity in life" aren't necessarilly true, I still think it doesn't always help, but it can make people who are going through a challenging time feel even worse.Put them into even more of a depressed state.  It can also create a fear that they're going to attract even more neagativity with their thoughts.  Creating this viscious catch 22!  

Using this idea and these statements discriminates against people and often makes them feel "bad" for "creating and attracting such things into their lives, and that's just not true.  If we start to believe that it's our negative thoughts that are creating our unpleasant situations, we can become paranoid about what we're thinking and that would make life totally unpleasant for us if we second guessed ourselves constantly, not to mention mental draining, leading us to physical symptoms brought on by the stress of it all.  I'm exhausted just thinking about that!

The problem really isn't just the thoughts ... it's the EMOTIONS that comes with the whole thing!  Emotions play a critical part in our behaviors and physical stressers in our body.  As I said above, IF you can be the Observer and just let that negativitiy flow through you instead of ingesting it all, it would help a lot.  One trick I learned years ago, is to make a physical sentence up in our imagination.  See it written out on a blackboard and stand back and just look at that sentence.  That's one way to learn to be an observer!  So ... it's not our negative thoughts that make us sick or attract bad things.  Relax!  Quit beraiding yourself over it. BUT ... it is the EMOTIONS that go along with it!

It's also not the case that attracting positive things is simply about keeping upbeat.  It can't be said strongly enough, but our feelings about ourselves are actually the most important barometer for determning the condition of our lives.  In other words, being true to ourselves is more important than just tring to stay positive!

I allow myself to feel negative things that may sometimes upset me because it's much better to experience real emotions (and let them pass through you), than to bottle them up.  Once again, it's about allowing what you're actually feeling, rather than fighting against it.  The very act of permitting without judgement is an act of self love.  This is actually an act of kindness towards yourself and goes much futher in creating a joyful life than pretending to be and to trying to feel optimistic all the time.  How exhausting!

We've all seen people who are always "upbeat and positive and kind and, and, and", but their world is crumbling all around them and we may think, See?  This "being positive" thing is crap.  But here's the real isue:  we don't know that person's inner dialogue.  We don't know what other people are telling themselves day after day, or whether they're emotionally happy.  And most important, we don't know whether they love and value themselves!

I can't express it enough, it is so important not to have judgement and fear towards yourself.  Your outer life is actually a relection of your inner state.  It's not important if you're having a bad day or a bad week (once again ... that seems to be the human component of who we are).  It's more important how you're feeling about yourself while your facing this day or week.  It's about sitting back, observing and trusting the process, having faith in yourself.  We all have bad times and not being afraid to feel anxiety, sadness, or fear, rather than suppressing everything until those emotions pass, or more likely ingested, will help you out the most!  It's about allowing yourself to be true to who YOU ARE.  If this is the way you can be, you'll find the negative feelings will dissipate and occur less and less frequently.

Because of this "positive thought" revolution ... we question ourselves continually, judge ourselves and we suppress our upsetting emotions a lot, because we believe they would attract more negativity into our life. In addition, we don't want to concern others, so we try to control our thoughts and force ourselves to be positive.  But you have to understand that the key is to always honour who you truly are and allow youself to be in your own truth.  

If you feel you can follow a certain system effortlessly, or if it's fun, that's great!  But the minute it starts to be hard work or you feel like it's a means of controlling your emotions or thoughts, it probably won't work very well for you.  The state of just "allowing seems like the place where most positive changes can occur.  Let yourself be YOU.  Embrace all that makes you feel alive.

I do believe though that the best thing is to consciously "try" to keep yourself uplifted ... and yes, this does take "conscious effort" at times (sometimes more than others, we are human!).  We have to really try to keep ourselves uplifted and do what makes us feel happy.  Do it!!!



Lessons Learned from a Near Death Experience (NDE)

Lessons Learned from a Near Death Experience ... taken from the book:  Dying to be ME by Anita Moorjani.

This book was given to me by one of my clients after he learned that I have had 3 NDE's ... (I secretly hope that I'm like a cat and have 9 lives to live!!!).  The Foreword was written by Dr. Wayne Dyer, who is also one of my biggest fans. 

It really isn't anything that we don't know already ... I just think it's an excellent reminder!!!

But on with the lessons learned ...

"Always remember not to give away your power - instead, get in touch with your own magnificence.  When it comes to finding the right path, there's a different answer for each person.  The only universal solution I have is to love yourself unconditionally and be yourself fearlessly!  This is the most important lesson I learned from my NDE, and I honestly feel that if I'd always known this, I never would have gotten cancer in the first place.

When we're true to ourselves, we become instruments of truth.  Because we're all connected, we touch the lives of everyone around us, who then affect others.  Our only obligation is to be the love we are and allow our answers to come from within in the way that's most appropriate for us.

Finally, I can't stress enough how important it is to enjoy your self and not take yourself or life too seriously.  One of the biggest flaws with many traditional spiritual systems is that they often make us take life too seriously.  Although you know that I abhor creating doctrines, if I ever had to create a set of tenets for a spiritual path to healing, #1 on my list would be to make sure to laugh as often as possible throughout every single day - and perferably laugh at YOURSELF!.  This would be hands down over and above any form of prayer, meditation, chanting or diet reform.  Day to day problems never seem as big when viewed through a veil of humor and love.

In this age of information technology, we're bombarded with news seemingly at the speed of light.  We're living in an age of high stress and fear, and in the midst of trying to protect ourselves from everything we think is "out there," we've forgotten to enjoy ourselves and to take care of what's inside.

Our life is our prayer.  It's our gift to the universe, and the memories we leave behind when we someday exit this world will be our legacy to our loved ones.  We own it to ourselves and to everyone around us to be happy and spread that joy around.

If we can go through life armed with humor and the realization that we are love, we'll already be ahead of the game.  And a box of good chocolates into the mix, and we've really got a winning formula!

I wish you joy as you realize your magnificence and express yourself fearlessly in the world."

- Anita Moorjani

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Magnesium Deficiencies linked to pain and heart disease

Inflammation and Pain Management with Magnesium - Information from Dr. Mark Sircus, Waking Times

Inflammation plays a pivotal role in all stages of atherosclerosis, which is the progressive narrowing and hardening of the arteries over time.

Inflammation is the activation of the immune system in response to infection, irritation, or injury. 

Characterized by an influx of white blood cells, redness, heat, swelling, pain, and dysfunction of the organs involved, inflammation has different names when it appears in different parts of the body. Most allergy and asthma sufferers are familiar with rhinitis (inflammation of the nose), sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), and asthma (inflammation of the airways), but inflammation is also behind arthritis (inflammation of the joints), dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), and so on.

The primary objective of acute inflammation is to localize and to get rid of the irritant and repair the surrounding tissue. Chronic inflammation is one of the characteristics of the metabolic syndrome that we see in Biofeedback stress and it interferes with insulin in the body.  Allopathic medical system’s ignorance has prevailed over the relationship between muscular lipid accumulation, chronic inflammation and insulin resistance.  They should know this, but continually close their eyes to this.  The simple supplement and central factor to all this is magnesium.  Magnesium is the factor in all this, or at least the deficiency of Magnesium which is involved with inflammation.

What triggers inflammation??? 
There are many factors that trigger inflammation. They are found in both our internal and external environments and include excessive levels of the hormone insulin (insulin resistance), emotional stress, environmental toxins (heavy metals), free-radical damage, viral, bacterial, fungal other pathogenic infections, obesity, overconsumption of hydrogenated oils, periodontal disease, radiation exposure, smoking, spirochetes such as the Borrelia that causes Lyme disease, and certain pharmacological drugs.

Magnesium deficiency causes chronic inflammatory build ups. This concept is intriguing because it suggests a fundamentally simpler way of warding off disease. Instead of different treatments for heart disease, Alzheimer's and colon cancer, we apply a single, inflammation-reducing remedy that would prevent or treat these and other deadly diseases. The key words here are 'prevent' or 'treat' but please notice the word is not cure. Though magnesium is a cure for many of our ailments … full treatment protocols are recommended with magnesium chloride as the top protocol item. It is a protocol of basic items like magnesium, iodine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium thiosulfate, whole food vitamin C, natural vitamin D from the sun, spirulina and some other important items like purified water that will make a difference in a host of chronic diseases.

 Another reason that chronic inflammations can take us into the hell fires of pain is that magnesium gets depleted in conditions of inflammation. Magnesium is central to immunocompetence and plays a crucial role in natural and adaptive immunity.

Magnesium literally puts the chill on inflammation.

Heart disease begins with inflammation that rages like a fever through your blood vessels. Cool the heat by getting the recommended daily minimum of magnesium suggests Medical University of South Carolina researchers. They measured blood inflammation levels-using the C-reactive protein (CRP) test-in 3,800 men and women and found that those who got less than 50% of the RDA (310 to 420 mg) for magnesium were almost three times as likely to have dangerously high CRP levels as those who consumed enough. Being over age 40 and overweight and consuming less than 50% of the RDA more than doubled the risk of blood vessel-damaging inflammation.

This new view of inflammation is changing the way some doctors' practice but most cardiologists are still not ready to recommend that the general population be screened for inflammation levels. Cardiologists don't know it but when in rare instances they test for serum magnesium levels they are not measuring anything but strictly controlled magnesium levels in the blood. There continues to be a blind spot the size of the Gulf of Mexico in cardiologists' perceptions. They just are not able to get to the bottom of the inflammation story - which is magnesium deficiency.

Modern medicine is just starting to admit that chronic inflammation is the main contributing factor to heart disease and it is just about to discover magnesium chloride as a supremely safe and effective anti inflammatory. Magnesium chloride safely reduces inflammation and systemic stress because magnesium deficiencies are in great part the cause of both conditions.

What is essential to remember about treating pain with magnesium is that it treats both the symptom and the cause of pain. Meaning the cause of the pain can often be traced back to a magnesium deficiency.  There are not too many medicinal substances or medicines that can make this claim. It should be noted that pain management with magnesium employs magnesium chloride applied transdermally to the skin.

Dr. Linda Rapson, who specializes in treating chronic pain, believes that about 70 per cent of her patients who complain of muscle pain, cramps and fatigue are showing signs of magnesium deficiency. "Virtually all of them improve when I put them on magnesium," says Rapson, who runs a busy Toronto pain clinic. "It may sound too good to be true, but it's a fact." She's seen the mineral work in those with fibromyalgia, migraines and constipation. "The scientific community should take a good hard look at this."

In the final analysis there is no single medicine or nutritional agent that has the power to both treat and prevent chronic inflammatory conditions. Magnesium acts as a general cell tonic while it reduces inflammation and systemic stress. Equally it is important in overall energy (ATP) production, hormonal and enzyme production and function which all reflect powerfully on the process of inflammation.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Oil Pulling

2 daily teaspoons of this natural ingredient could save your teeth.  Would that interest you any?  I would think so.  If nothing else you could drastically improve your oral health and whiten your teeth, get rid of bad breath ... by using just 2 teaspoons every day.  And the cost??? Easily affordable.  Pennies a day!  

Introducing: ... OIL PULLING
In case the you don't already know's Coconut Oil!!!  It doesn't really matter which one you choose and it doesn't matter if you don't like the taste because you aren't actually going to eat it?  

Take your 2 teaspoons and put them in your mouth.  If it's kept in a cool place, it will melt in your mouth very quickly.  Now, you're going to swish your mouth with the oil (as you would with water after brushing your teeth) and then spit the oil into the trash.  You may find it's gross but that's besides the point.  If I can get used to it, so can you!

This is what's known as "oil Pulling" and it's a technique that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.  The surprising thing is that unlike some of these other "ancient remedies", oil pulling might actually work.  As a result, it's recently becoming very popular.

What precisely does it do?  Among other things, oil pulling will combat halitosis, gingivitis, eczema, acne and more.

How it works???  
The idea behind it is that swishing oil will "draw" the bacteria out from your mouth and from your body in general.  (now ... this isn't really scientifically backed) ... unfortunately, there is NO EVIDENCE that oils do this ... all you have to go on is the thousands of people doing this and believe in it.

BUT ... Science does suggest that oil pulling works to remove bacteria from your mouth, strep mucus specifically, as well as plague.

Did you know that flossing can reduce cancer rates by reducing the amount of bacteria taking its toll on your body's immune system, it stands to reason that oil pulling may be able to do the same thing!!!

Regardless if it's scientifically backed or not ... many people swear by oil pulling and they may well have better teeth and breath as a result. Doing this everyday may seem a little extreme, especially bearing in mind that the recommendation is to swill for a full 20 minutes.  But ... Floss thoroughly, brush regularly and just use this every now and then to get that bacteria count down ... any little bit will help! 

When life gives you Lemons, add Baking Soda

When life gives you lemons, make the most out of it and add Baking Soda to the mix!!!

Lemon has solid anti-carcinogenic properties.  It also has numerous other valuable properties.  Lemon has a solid impact also on cysts and tumors.
Citrus can cure tumors.  Late studies have demonstrated that consuming citrus fruit, particularly lemons have averted and can cure disease.  Also, by including baking soda you will balance the pH of the body which does not permit the tumor to keep on spreading.

A study out of Europe demonstrated that 54 or more 150 gram bits every week of citrus diminished the dangers of throat tumor by 58%, oral/pharyngeal disease by 53%, stomach malignancy by 31% and colorectoral cancer by 18%.

It has been noted that women who consumed 75 grams of grapefruit juice daily, saw a 22% diminishment of breast tumors.

Both these studies used approximately 525-600 grams every week for admission level for important malignancy security.
Lemons have an extremely solid antimicrobial impact against bacterial and contagious diseases.  Lemon is viable against parasites and worms, and also manages circulcatory strain.

Lemons wreck cancer causing cells in 12 sorts of cancers.  Lemons help the spread of cancer causing cells and has 10,000 times stronger impact than medications like Adriamycin, chemotherapy and opiate items.

Chemotherapy has frightful reactions, whereas lemon juice and baking soda, just kills the tumor cells.

Patients ought to drink 2 teaspoons of lemon juice with a half teaspoon of baking soda.


Monday, July 6, 2015

Your Internal Organs and their role in Depression

Your Internal Organs and their role in Depression – A holistic consideration

There is no real way to tie down depression to one singular element.  At one time or another most of us are going to find ourselves depressed about something.

Holistically thinking … depression is a mind/body relationship.  For example, if a persona has SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder during the winter, it is quite likely that they have some kind of kidney deficiency.  If a person is always looking regretfully back at a “lost past”, grieving over the change, this has a lot to do with the lungs.  If a person is just over concerned about everything and taking too much on, then this would be a Stomach or Spleen stress.  If a person has to take charge of every situation and has an almost angry compulsion to get a lot of things done, then this person is largely controlled by the liver.  Of course the heart has a lot to do with all our joys and sorrows in general and has a lot to do with conditions becoming manic.

Few people are strictly one type or another, and the explanations are not ever as cut and dried as the above, but the main point to be stressed here is that this emotional tendency is echoed in your physical body.  Anger, fear, worry, grief, etc, are emotions, they are related to certain organs in our body and are therefore manifested physically.

The term depression, being a “down state” in medical literature, for example, Bipolar or Manic Depression would be a type of depression that is “down” and then suddenly completely “up” and possibly violent.  Being in some state of funk when life is going badly is fairly normal for any one of us.  What most people think, is the dysfunction of this fairly persistent down state regardless of the rest of your life possibly being pretty good.

When little children moan and cry and throw fits we look immediately at factors such as diet:  “have they eaten?” or “The chocolate he ate at lunch did this?” and we always assume that they are tired or need a nap.  When we get older, these physiological factors get more complex, but the resultant emotional changes can be similar.

The Kidneys and Liver
One of the most common types of depression involves the Liver and Kidneys.  In the circulation of energy, the Liver gets its energy from the kidneys.  While mentioned before that the kidneys can become taxed in the winter, the liver can be taxed by the spring.  A very tough emotional time through these seasons, plus maybe factors like poor diet or overwork can contribute to these deficiencies as well.

The sufficiency of both of these energies has a lot to do with our will.  When these energies are strong, we can assume responsibility for lots of difficult tasks and get them done.  But when they are deficient, for whatever purpose, emotional or physical, we can lose that will.

Many depressions begin with a post partum mother who has not recovered from a difficult birth, but is also not able to meet her own high expectations of accomplishment in the family, home or workplace.  In any case this is the person that is suddenly rendered incapable of doing what their mind tells them they must and can be made miserable to the vision of a former self that has now become lost.

Kidney deficient types get low and depressed in the winter as the winter taxes the kidneys generally.  The mark of a kidney deficient person is that they are subject to fears.  They can be shocked easily and in a low grade constant sort of way fears can overwhelm them and make them closed in by a world that is always asking them to try new things.  This is overwhelming to their lack of sense of adventure.  This person can be often caught irrationally using the word can’t to the frustrations of others who try to get them to do something challenging or unfamiliar.  This leads to a closed in sense of retreat from life that can be depressing and make a person feel trapped.

Spleen and Stomach
A spleen or stomach type will typically take on a lot. They think about everything and everyone and a lot of this is involved with worry.  When things start to get to be too much, they become defeated and overwhelmed.  In this regard they are physically sick and part of their downhill slide involves the physical stress of the digestive system.  Many of these types of people can also fall into anxiety or panic attacks as once a thought gets going it becomes hard to stop and overwhelms them as it clouds their minds and perceptions.

The lung type is regretful and somewhat grieved by loss.  They are always depressed by the loss of how things “used to be.”  The death of someone close to them can throw them into such a feeling of grief that they almost can’t breathe, and in fact often can wane away and die this way when a close partner has passed away.  This unsuitability of the world can make the person feel unfit for the world they have to cope with.

One of the things they are studying most is the effect on the heart.  Most of the study has been on the effect of heart attacks and the type A persona who suffers from a rather constant time-compressed stress.  What they are finding in a lot of emotionally hostile individuals is that there is a high level of glucocorticoids in the blood stream that stimulate cortisol production and lead towards heart attacks. The fact that they find high glucocorticoid levels in depressives as well and in both of these cases, it is more the way one responds to stressors that are related to be the cause.  The real is that there is a direct physiological link to emotional turmoil that, at last, western science finds measurable and therefore scientific, more directly linking the mind and emotions to negative physiological phenomenon..

To each individual type of person, the type of stressor one responds to depends on the type of person you are and whether you are healthy or not.  The person who is balanced and healthy, the possibility that you are going to fall into a depression is less likely than if you are not, regardless of the outward stimulus.

This is what I like with the Biofeedback device… we can balance and address both the emotional and physical parts of the bigger picture.  Depression is a complicated matter.  We can’t over simplicate the connection between the mind and the body.  However, one of the most difficult problems is that the depressive person must see the depression as their problem.  They must make certain that it is their own, want to change for themselves, not just for others.  Many people ask for help with someone elses depression for which we are all helpless to do without the absolute permission of the person who is depressed.  The problem is both physical and emotional.  It is a journey that is hard, painful and requires a lot of patience and willingness for new levels of self discovery.