Monday, December 21, 2015

Video showing Live Blood Microscopy using the PEMF

This is a quick little video to show you the before and after of what PEMF does.

"We can only be as healthy as our cells are!"

Just 1 - 8 minute session,
which is totally relaxing and non invasive,
can assist the body to 
increase energy
cell absorption with nutrients & supplements
increase circulation
reduces acid build up
and helps you to recover faster than you could on your own.

Friday, December 11, 2015

For those suffering with Migraines

For those of us suffering from Migraines, finding the ways to reduce the amount of times we get themA journal is the most effective way of doing this.  Keep track of the foods, the barometric pressure, your cycle, etc., is one the best ways of helping to pin point what’s causing them. 
and the severity, can be a definite battle.  A lot of the time we don’t even know what triggered them.  Was it something we ate, barometric pressure, a smell, that time of the month, environmental, chemical???  Trying to identify the triggers is the best way to manage these disabling headaches. 

Migraines are characterized as an intense throbbing, pulsating pain usually on one side of the head, but not always...  From experience, I know these characteristic very from person to person.  Migraines appear to run in families and affects 3 times more women than men.  They can last from 4 – 72 hours, and can be debilitating.  Affecting  home life, jobs and general well being.  Migraines occur due to a constriction of blood vessels surrounding the brain. 

Certain foods can cause migraines, while others can prevent or even treat them. Common food triggers usually include cheeses, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits and vinegar.  These foods contain a compound called tyramine which has been shown to aggravate migraine frequency and severity.  Be aware of eating leftovers, as tyramine content increases over time. 
Tannins and sulphites found in tea and red skinned apples also seem to be a trigger.  Deli meats containing nitrites and additives such as MSG should also be avoided.  The glutamate found in MSG widens blood vessels and acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter, that triggers headaches.

COFFEE, for example, can sometimes knock out a migraine.

Foods rich in magnesium, calcium, complex carbohydrates, and fiber have been used to cure migraines.

GINGER—the ordinary kitchen spice—may help prevent and treat migraines with none of the side-effects of drugs.

The herb FEVERFEW also effectively prevented migraines in placebo-controlled research studies.

Do yourself a favor by doing a heavy metal detox.  Research shows that migraine sufferers have significantly higher levels of some heavy metals as well as chronic mineral deficiencies.  Migraine patients have 4 times the cadmium, twice the lead and 4 times the amount of manganese in their bloodstream.

Consider getting tested for Mineral Deficiencies … Certain minerals were also significantly lacking in Migraine Sufferers.  They found that the healing individuals had twice the amount of COPPER,  3 ½ times the amount of MAGNESIUM and 24 times the amount of ZINC

Magnesium appears to dilate blood vessels and therefore has been shown to be successful in migraine prevention.  Taken in a chelated form (taurate, glycinate) at a minimum of 600 mg daily, has been shown to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.  A reduction in the duration and intensity of the attack will be greatly helped by magnesium. 

Riboflavin, more commonly referred to as Vitamin B2, also shows positive results.  400 mg of B2, is what is recommended. 
Also Butterbur Extract (which is a weed from Europe) has been shown to be positive.  Please be sure you are getting this from a reliable source though as it may contain harmful alkaloids.  The amount of Butterbur Extracts needs to be around 75mg/daily.

Where are you going?  Enviromental factors such as working in the heat or even the extreme cold, offices with fluorescent lighting can trigger a migraine or anything extreme, outdoors in the brilliant sunshine, exercising, etc.  I’ve seen a lot of women that have migraines when it’s close to their Menses, so note where you are in your menstrual cycle as well when you are journaling.  The drop in estrogen before a woman’s menses can trigger a migraine attack.

Routine is important for sufferers.  Try to keep the same routine daily, it will also help with your tracking of what is bringing the migraines on.  Go to bed and wake up at the same time daily.  Eat at the same time daily if possible and eat smaller, more frequent meals to keep your blood sugar levels balanced and drink plenty of water. 

Realize though that the wholistic approach may take a little longer to see positive results.  If you want to try anything in the wholistic arena, whether it be supplements or alternative therapies, or a combination of both, please give it a good try… 3 months minimum.  It will be well worth it, and no side affects from those nasty prescriptions, not to mention the cost of those migraine meds.  It is often the right combination of alternative practices along with supplements that will warrant the best results, but be persistant please!!!

For many, using pharmaceutical drugs has terrible side effects… there are many wholistic approaches that can help reduce migraine frequency and severity, without the side effects of the medications.  If you would like to try Biofeedback or PEMF (Pulse Electro Magnetic Frequency) for your migraines, please call me for an appointment to set up your sessions:

Beyond Awareness
Hypnosis & Biofeedback

** remember, you do not have to be in the flesh to benefit from regular biofeedback sessions, but the PEMF you have to be….

Bladder Incontinence, Pumpkin Seed Oil & PEMF

This is definitely worth a try especially as we age and reach menopause and beyond.  

Dr. S. Adam Ramin, Urologist, Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in LA, tells us … When estrogen production takes a dip, it weakens the pelvic muscle that holds your bladder in the proper position, paving the way for urinary incontinence. And if that happens, you’re more likely to have an accident when you laugh or sneeze. Usually it gets worse from there and you find even lifting things or being out in the cold will make the urgency too strong to resist! 

If this is happening to you, you need to take care of it before symptoms worsen.  

Studies suggest to try Pumpkin seed oil which will strengthen those muscles, cutting your risk of leaks as much as 57% in 3 weeks.  You can find the oil in the health food store and follow package directions for dosage. 

Also shown to be beneficial is Biofeedback Sessions and also PEMF therapy. 

Book now for either Biofeedback or the PEMF Therapy...
Belinda Rathwell
Wholistic Essentials Wellness Centre
3585 Elliott Road
West Kelowna, BC

** the Biofeedback does not have to be done in person, but the PEMF Bed does!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Testosterone. In Women???

The Benefits of Testosterone in Women
Fights depression
Builds bone and muscle
Keeps you lean
Boosts sex drive 
reduces anxiety
Makes you more confident
Supports cognition and memory
Improves hair, skin & nails
Protects the brain from dementia

When I work on women and I get into their hormone profiles, I see a huge lack in many of their testosterone levels.  Testosterone is one of the key hormones in a woman’s body that is more than often overlooked.  We think of it as being a male hormone … but it isn’t just for men!

I hear so many complain about not being able to lose weight, feeling anxious for no reason, no sex drive, their bodies being flabby no matter how much they are working out and dieting, being exhausted!  Although there can be many reasons for the above issues … testosterone levels is often the problem and are often overlooked.  The doctors usually lean towards depression and before you know it, you are prescribed antidepressants, when that is not the issue at all.  All it takes is a simple blood test, but few doctors think to order this test, so thousands of women remain untreated and suffer needlessly.  Things are all to often written off a Menopause (“some handle it better than others”).  Well we could have handled it better possibly if they had the Testosterone level checked in the first place!

Women make Testosterone in the ovaries and adrenal glands throughout their life time.  It reaches its peak around 20 and by 40, the effects of low testosterone become noticeable.

Have you noticed that you’ve lost that muscle to fat ratio?  The number on the weight scale stays the same, but you’ve become soft and doughy?  The muscles are replaced by fat.  Working out will not help if you do not have enough testosterone to build muscle.  Correcting testosterone can help you increase your metabolic rate and lose weight.  A leaner body will reduce your risk of weight related healthy conditions, including heart disease and breast cancer.  Plus, you clothes will fit better.  Why has this hormone been so overlooked?

When testosterone drops, women lose their confidence.  They can become sad and forgetful or have difficulty processing information.  It gives us our drive and a sense of vitality.  Women are more likely than men to suffer from depression and anxiety, both of which can be improved.  Why use an antidepressant if a boost in testosterone is all you need?  There is evidence that testosterone improves cognitive ability and may protect against dementia too.

I see women every day who would rather do the laundry than have sex.  They just have no interest or desire and sex is just one more chore on their long list.  You do not need to give up your sex life because your hormones are down.  Testosterone replacement can restore libido and put some spice back in the bedroom.

Testosterone promotes protein synthesis in the body.  This translates to shiny, thicker hair, better nails and firm elastic skin.  The bones benefit from it as well, increasing density and strength thereby preventing osteoporosis, fractures, and loss of height as we age.
Women and men with more fat, produce an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen, which causes you to store even more fat.  So you really need to watch your diet, eat more lean protein and vegetables, eliminate sugar, alcohol, processed grains, and artificial sweeteners. 

Exercise and resistance training,

Reduce stress as adrenal fatigue is a common and real condition caused by excess stress.  Since our adrenal glands make testosterone, help them by balancing cortisol and adrenal support (an integrative physician can diagnose and treat adrenal fatigue. 

The LIVER is responsible for hormone activation.  Do a cleanse as least once a year, twice would be better.

Limit alcohol consumption.

Supplement with:  Ashwaganda, maca, stinging nettle, chrysin, zinc, B complex, Vitamin C which all have evidence of boosting testosterone.

You may want to find a doctor who specializes in Bio Identical Hormone Replacement therapy.

If you are over the age of 40, you may benefit from hormone rebalancing.  Biofeedback has positive effects on balancing hormones in the body.  Biofeedback will help rebalance your body without pills and injections!

Schedule a Biofeedback Appointment Today

Wholistic Essentials Wellness Centre
3585 Elliott Road
West Kelowna, BC

So, You've tried EVERYTHING to get a good night's sleep?

Can’t remember the last time you had a good night’s sleep?  Try making your bedroom at least, an EMF Free Zone!!!

If you are suffering from any of these:  You really need to make some changes!!!
lack of drive,
memory challenges,
 general malaise that so many people suffer and cannot explain. 
Personality changes,
bipolar disorder,
schizophrenic tendencies,
challenges with memory and concentration
anger and depression

Wireless devices make poor bedside companions.  Wireless electromagnetic radiation has now consumed virtually every square inch of our homes.  Electromagnetic radiation comes in many forms.  Most people simply think of cell towers and Wi-Fi, which emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation.  It also consists of electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity, and light vibration.  All of these have been shown to be very detrimental to our health and can be devastating for those who are electromagnetically sensitive.

We've even gone out and bought MORE things that have to plug in to use in our bedrooms to help us sleep, and that's going backwards really.  Yes you may be using aromatherapy, hz music, etc... but do those devices have to be plugged in?  Most likely!

Protecting ourselves from wireless electromagnetic radiation is an entire new concept for many.  I’ve been preaching this for the last 10 years when people come to me complaining that they can’t sleep!!! Wireless technology is now the norm for most of our homes these days.  Cordless phones, wireless internet, wireless baby monitors, smart televisions, smart meters, bluetooth speakers and or course cell phones have become accepted as the norm and the way to communicate.  It is sad to see 4 people sitting at a table in a restaurant texting.  What has happened to looking into someone’s eyes and having a normal conversation?

A quality sleep is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. This has been established by the scientific and medical communities as absolutely essential.  During sleep we regenerate and our brains rebalance and detoxify so that our nervous system can direct the functions of our body.  None of this happens effectively without enough sleep or quality sleep.  In this day and age our sleep is being disrupted by invisible toxins.  That toxin is wireless radiation technology.

To get quality sleep, we must have a proper production of a hormone called melatonin which is produced by our pineal gland.  The pineal gland operates on the normal daily rhythms of the sun’s light.  Recent research has shown that the pineal gland responds not only to light, but also to radio frequency radiation.  This means that the pineal gland interprets RF radiation as light.  We get tired at night when the sun goes down because there is less light.  It is extremely common for people to have difficulty getting to sleep if they use a cordless or cell phone in the evening, or watch TV late into the night.  More and more people are finding that they are waking up at 2, 3 or 4 in the morning and having difficulties getting back to sleep.  Not only that, sleep quality has severely diminished.  Nothing turns off just because it’s night time, it’s only our bodies that need this to rebalance.

Think about this?  How many of us are on facebook late at night, (supposedly when we can’t sleep), the phone is always on the bedside as some of us don’t even have an alarm anymore and we use the phone as our alarm?  Cell phones give a burst of RF radiation every 15 seconds or so when they are on standby.  If the phone is in the bedroom … the brain is getting radiated on a consistent basis all night long.  Sleep quality suffers and so does the wireless user.  Ultimately, this can lead to numerous debilitating challenges.  The first signs are fatigue, lack of drive, memory challenges, and the general malaise that so many people suffer and cannot explain.  Personality changes, bipolar disorder, schizophrenic tendencies, challenges with memory and concentration as well as anger and depression can eventually result.  The incidence of brain cancer, tumours and other neurological diseases has gone up dramatically following the increase.  Just image the impact on society that this is having at present.  

Detaching from gadgets is highly beneficial for quality sleep.  It has been determined that blue light diminishes sleep quality and red light improves sleep quality.  Smart phone, computer, television and tablet screens emit large amount of blue light.  Most of them even go to what is called a “blue screen” when they are confused.  It could be called the “blue screen of insomnia”.   If you watch television late into the evening, you can improve your sleep quality by increasing the red tint and decreasing the blue tint of your picture.  Reading a book by candlelight or by incandescent light might be a better idea for an evening activity to promote quality sleep.  It is a wise move for nearly everyone to devote a couple of hours to thoroughly shielding their home, or at minimum their bedrooms, from wireless exposure because remember that even if you don’t have any wireless connections, your neighbors likely do.

Simple Methods to Shield Your Home from Wireless Exposure

Here are some of the top tips you can take to lower your EMF burden considerably:

Turn off all the fuses at night.

Shield your bed with a special metalized fabric to protect yourself from harmful frequencies that can disrupt cellular communication.

If you are constructing a new home or renovating one and the walls are being rebuilt you can install radiant barrier, which is a tough type of aluminum foil that will also very effectively screen out the EMF. This is what I did for my own bedroom.

Be aware that cell phones and wireless Internet features are not the only sources you need to be cautious of.  Essentially, most all electronics will generate EMF’s, including the wiring in your home, electric alarm clocks, electric blankets, computers and lamps, just to mention a few.

At minimum, move your bed so that your head is at least 3-6 feet from all electrical outlets. If you are constructing the walls you can put the wires inside pipes, which will virtually eliminate the fields that are generated in the room when the current runs through the wire.

Turn off everything electrical in your sleeping area, including your alarm clock, WI-FI, cell and portable phones.

Try to minimize placing a non-corded phone to your head, and avoid using your cell phone when in a car with a child or pregnant woman. If you absolutely need to use your cell phone, crack your window so the radiation can dissipate quicker.

Sleep on a non-metal bed and mattress.

Put wireless devices on a timer so they turn off at night (and consider offering to buy your neighbors timers for theirs as well).

Use a geomagnetometer to measure magnetic fields in your home. If you detect high levels, make sure your bed is not near these areas.

Put solar blankets in your windows, or get low-E window film to shield your windows (most exposure will come in through your windows)

Please Remember!!If you are really serious about protecting yourself in your home … Removing the wireless in one’s home is much simpler than one might imagine.  Wired phones are available at any electronic store.  Having a cord on your telephone is a mild inconvenience compared to having one of the above health challenges.  Hardwired internet is incredibly simple.  Simply get Ethernet cables connected to your computers.  We are not going back to the Stone age, we are only going back a decade or so.  It is well worth protecting your brain.  Going hardwired can be done for every single wireless technology available today except of course, for the cell phone.  Smart meters can be shielded so as to protect the dwelling and still communicate their necessary information.  Cell towers and the cell phone itself are one of the most dangerous components of wireless technology.  Extensive research has shown that long term use is directly related to huge increases in brain cancer risk.  The verdict is there, right in front of us.

There is an additional thing that must be done if one lives close to a cell tower.  Shielding the bedroom from radio frequency radiation is necessary though various techniques.  The simplest, most portable and economical is to get a protective bed canopy.  This looks like a mosquito net which would be used in the tropics, but is also protecting against radio frequency energy.  It is an absolute necessity for anyone living close to a cell tower.  In fact I think this is a wonderful idea for your bedroom anyways, cell tower or not!!! 

Other protection that is necessary for the bedroom is to turn off the electromagnetic fields that are being emitted from the wires in the walls even and especially the devices on bedside tables.  All house wiring emits electrical and magnetic fields and today these are far more toxic than they were years ago.  Our electricity is now filled with harmonic frequencies that are in disharmony with the frequencies of the human brain.  Shutting off the electrical power to the bedroom at night has an amazing effect on sleep quality!!!

Those who are creating a safe bedroom invariably find that the quality of their sleep is truly amazing.  The changes in people’s lives are astounding.  Virtually every aspect of their health improves including mental, physical and emotional health.  Create a space that is harmonic and safe, a safe zone … get sleeping, get healthy and do it.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Your MINDSET on Disease

I think that if I'd been born and brought up in a country like China, ...Traditional Chinese Medicine and their ideas and views, would have worked for me.  I love the ideology of their culture towards treating people and their views on sickness and disease.  If we could only embrace those facts here on our side of the world, we would be far better off and much more healthier and heal ourselves so much better.  But ... one word ... MINDSET!

Are you aware that in China; CANCER is often referred to as Western People's disease?  Are you aware that the incidence of cancer in China, Japan and even India is far lower than in the Western countries?

Some people think it's because of diet, but I feel that's only a small part of it.  Another possibility even a larger factor, maybe the mindset the Western Civilization has that they believe in ... for example ... Cancer.  Or I should say they believe in the FEAR that this word instills.  And how can we Westerners not be afraid of it when there are the constant awareness campaigns that conventional Western Medicine and Westerners focus on.  We are constantly being bombared with ads about detecting cancer and donating to cancer research, every corner we turn, everyday on the T.V., in the newspapers, magazines, bus stops, etc., etc. Heck, we even have a whole month dedicated to wearing PINK!!!  It's crazy how far it has gone, it is constantly around us.  We are constantly focusing on it whether it's consciously or unconsciously! Also our ideals focus on Technology and diagnostics rather than promoting overall physical and mental well being and balance.

The Western doctors focus only on the cancer and trying to make you feel as though something external is attacking your body and has to be gotten rid of.  In otherwords, Cancer is the enemy and has to be attacked by their diagnosis and horrid treatments, which always instills fear.  Whereas Chinese medicine looks at your well being more wholistically.  They have your TOTAL well being in mind more so and they have you believing that your body has a way of healing from it's imbalances, not just physical ones, but emotional and mental as well.  They believe that the cancer is actually an ally.  Now, these methods are much more comfortable, reassuring, and can give you hope.

The cancer itself wasn't the enemy or the disease .. It was in fact the body's way of trying to heal itself.  Viewing cancer as an enemy that needed to be annihilated doesn't get rid of the underlying problem that caused it in the first place.  Something deeper is addressing and triggering the cancer cells to appear.  Think of it from the prospective that these diseases being actually mental and spiritual diseases that manifest in the body.  Treatments that address the mind and spirit will have a much better chance of affecting change than an approach that merely deals with the person in the physical ...and any modality that is wholeheartedly supported by the surrounding culture will be more effective than one without such underlying strength, especially if the method addresses a patient's mindset and spiritual outlook.  Such diseases in specific cases are a disease of the mind and the soul, not just the body.  The physical manifestation is merely a symptom of something much deeper. Scientists look in all the wrong places.  They are only studying the symptoms not the cause and then creating drugs to mask the symptoms.  They may be able to manage the symptoms, but do they find a cure? 

I do suggest ... not looking at or doing any treatment program that only is looking at the symptoms as something to be gotten rid of like an enemy.  This is a fear based reaction.  These symptoms are your body's way of trying to heal.  I know that if you try to eliminate the illness with an adverse idea or attitude, you end up doing the opposite and embedding it deeper into the illness mindset .  It doesn't mean necessarily that you don't go to see a doctor, I'm really referring to how to look at the disease or physical manifestations of the body...  The idea is not to obsess about it and to have your days revolve around doing things for the sole purpose of getting rid of the illness.  It's actually far more productive to distract yourself and stay occupied with activities that stimulate you in positive and creative ways.   Escape the prison that you have put yourself in and try to free yourself from needing your health to be a certain way in order to find happiness or just create ... enjoying the moment as though you were already healthy.  Living in the present means not carrying anymore baggage from one segment of time until the next ... every instant is unique and can't be replicated.

It's our choice whether to carry our fears with us, keeping us stuck in an illness.   You don't have to be spiritual guru or anything, just make the most of every minute, living it to the fullest and doing things that make you happy.    Know that every part of you is magnificent, your ego, intellect body and spirit ,... it's who you are...a beautiful product of the universe.  Every aspect of you is already perfect. There's nothing to let go ... nothing to forgive... nothing to attain.  You are already everything you need to be.  It can seem so complicated, but it's not.  It's all about BALANCE, and your MINDSET!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil

Recently came across this little gem, so thought I would share.... it is such an excellent source of Fatty Acids and can do so much for benefiting your body.

Evening primrose oil is the oil from the seed of the evening primrose plant. Evening primrose oil is used for skin disorders such as eczemapsoriasis, and acne. It is also used for rheumatoid arthritis, weak bones (osteoporosis), Raynaud’s syndrome,multiple sclerosis (MS), Sjogren’s syndrome, cancerhigh cholesterolheart disease, a movement disorder in children called dyspraxia, leg pain due to blocked blood vessels (intermittent claudication), alcoholismAlzheimer’s disease, andschizophrenia.

Some people use evening primrose oil for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS); asthma;nerve damage related to diabetes; an itching disorder called neurodermatitis; hyperactivity in children and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); obesityand weight loss; whooping cough; and gastrointestinal disorders including ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and peptic ulcer disease.

Women use evening primrose oil in pregnancy for preventing high blood pressure(pre-eclampsia), shortening labor, starting labor, and preventing late deliveries. Women also use evening primrose oil for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), breast pain,endometriosis, and symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes.

In foods, evening primrose oil is used as a dietary source of essential fatty acids.

In manufacturing, evening primrose oil is used in soaps and cosmetics.
In Britain, evening primrose oil used to be approved for treating eczema and breastpain. However, the Medicines Control Agency (MCA), the British equivalent of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), withdrew the licenses for evening primrose oil products marketed as prescription drug products for these uses. The licenses were withdrawn because the agency concluded that there is not enough evidence that they are effective. The manufacturer disagrees, but it hasn’t published studies yet to prove the effectiveness of evening primrose for these uses.

How does it work?

Evening primrose oil contains “fatty acids.” Some women with breast pain might not have high enough levels of certain ”fatty acids.” Fatty acids also seem to help decrease inflammation related to conditions such as arthritis and eczema.

Easy Ways to Brighten your Mood!!!

With winter quickly approaching here in the Sunny (Summer only) Okanagan … I see a lot of people who suffer from Seasonal Depression.  Who can blame them, it is depressing here in the Winter with all the cloud.  But here is a quick fix to brighten your mood…
1.    Have a Happy Meal (no not McDonald’s … well okay, if you really want to and it makes you happy, go for it).

2.       Soak Away Your Blues

3.       Be good to yourself and Take an Extra Break

4.       Make a date with a friend

5.       Lift Your spirits by going out dancing.  Very therapeutic!

6.       Sniff a nostalgic scent

Cold water fish, such as salmon, trout, tuna, herring, mackerel & sardines are loaded with mood lifting omega 3 fatty acids.  Aim for 9 oz of those fish a week or 2,000 mg of a fish oil supplement daily.

Chronic stress has long been shown to fuel depression, so it’s no surprise. Harvard discovered that when negative emotions, such as sadness or anxiety strike, just taking a nice long hot bubble bath can help.

Women who drink 3 cups of coffee daily are 42% less likely to feel blue.  Caffeine ups your brain’s production of mood lifting dopamine.  (I was soooo happy when I read that one!!!)

Although you probably don’t really feel like getting up, getting dressed and getting out … as many as 72% of melancholy women feel less sad within 1 month if they simply spend an hour or two each week with a supportive friend or better yet, call on the craziest friend you know.  Laughter is always the best medicine!

Just 2 weeks of Tango or 2 Stepping Lessons significantly improves the mood of some who feel depressed.  Physical activity ups the release of “happy” hormones for up to 5 hours.

Ever catch a whiff of a scent that triggers a pleasant memory of your childhood?  Such an aroma, like baking cookies,  playdoh or your mom’s perfume?  … according to a recent study, pleasant aromas are a proven way to lift your spirits instantly.  There all kinds of oils available out there that you can disfuse at home to keep the blues at bay!

Are you missing out on this important supplement?

Raise Your “Master Hormone” With Zinc
Did You Know….that supplementing with zinc can boost thyroid levels so that you no longer suffer from weight problems, sexual dysfunction and low-to-no energy?

Fifty-nine million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid dysfunction. Symptoms include unexplained weight gain, an increased risk of obesity, depression, anxiety, hair loss, lagging libido, infertility and decreased energy.

It is imperative that abnormal levels of thyroid hormones be stabilized so that thyroid-related health conditions do not become chronic, incurable problems.   Supplementing with zinc is a safe and natural way to boost thyroid levels and help your form of thyroid dysfunction.

The Master Hormone

Dr. Oz refers to the thyroid as the “Master Hormone” because it controls virtually everything in the body. This 2-inch, butterfly-shaped hormone is located in the front of your neck beneath your voice box.

Small, but mighty, the thyroid regulates metabolism, calcium balance and the reproductive system…and promotes the use of oxygen and the production of protein.

A properly functioning thyroid owes it all to zinc. It starts with the hypothalamus—the part of the brain that produces hormones that control weight and body temperature among many other bodily processes.

The hypothalamus releases what’s called the TRH hypothalamus hormone (a hormone that requires zinc). The TRH hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete the thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH. Once the thyroid gets the go ahead from TSH, it releases the hormones T3 and T4, which control a multitude of bodily functions.

Without zinc to trigger the release of TRH, the thyroid remains sluggish, resulting in an under-active thyroid and a condition known has hypothyroidism. When zinc levels are too high, the thyroid becomes over-active, resulting in hyperthyroidism. The key is to keep those zinc levels in check.

Zinc: An Essential Trace Mineral

After iron, zinc is the most crucial trace mineral in the body. It strengthens the immune system, accelerates wound healing, prevents blood clotting, and regulates reproduction, growth and sense of smell.

Unfortunately, as we age, zinc deficiency and subsequent thyroid dysfunction conditions tend to flare up. Watch out for the following signs that your zinc levels are low:

Slow wound healing
Reduced appetite
Unexplained weight loss
White spots on nails

Supplementing Safely with Zinc

****Supplementing with zinc does come with a word of caution:  Studies have indicated that increased zinc levels lead to a drop in serum ferritin concentrations—an indicator of low iron levels. It’s important to monitor your iron intake while supplementing with zinc.

Too much zinc has also been linked to copper deficiency—a condition that leads to health issues such as too much T4 hormone in the blood stream, which then activates an over-stimulated thyroid.

Always consult a healthcare practitioner before adding zinc to your supplement regimen.

The recommended dose is typically 30-50 mg of zinc per day. Keep in mind that supplementing with zinc is not a quick fix, especially if you currently have a compromised immune system. If after a few months symptoms aren’t improving, consult your doctor.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Thyroid Imbalance ... Part 2

Top Ways to Treat Hypothyroidism Naturally

Getting the proper nutrition is the first and most important step in regulating your thyroid.  Your thyroid relies on food for fuel. Masking the symptoms of hypothyroidism with prescriptions and supplements will do more harm than good over time.

Eating processed foods containing white flour and sugar stimulate inflammation and can weaken your already sluggish thyroid. Here are a few quick tips on how to fuel up for thyroid health.

Lower your intake of caffeine, white flour products and sugar – Your morning latte and bagel may taste delicious, but this unhealthy  combination will only aggravate fatigue and further damage your impaired thyroid.
Increase omega-3 fatty acids to produce and transport hormones.  Without omega-3s, cell growth suffers.  Adding olive oil, nuts, avocados, flax seeds, fish and coconut oil to your diet stimulates new cell growth and improves thyroid function.
Carefully monitor goitrogenic foods that can impair thyroid function such as broccoli, spinach, peanuts, cabbage and kale. These foods should be consumed in moderation unless they are cooked.  Exposing these foods to high heat nullifies the goitrogenic properties.
Your body needs protein to transport hormones.  Your thyroid uses the proteins found in grass-fed meats, eggs and legumes to distribute those hormones efficiently.
Supplement with probiotic yogurt or fermented foods for longer-lasting energy and a healthy gut.
Your thyroid is very sensitive to stress hormones so now is the time to start reducing stress.  Look at your daily activities and determine how you can find time to relax. It will help improve thyroid function.

Avoid x-rays whenever possible – simply ask for a neck collar to protect your fragile “butterfly.”

Foods with high concentrations of selenium and iodine can be particularly beneficial.  Seaweed, blackstrap molasses, navy beans, cranberries, and Himalayan salt are all rich sources of iodine.  To up your selenium intake, experts say you should try incorporating Brazil nuts, shitake mushrooms, and chia seeds into your diet.

Looking at Your Health as a Whole and making dietary changes alone may not completely resolve thyroid issues.  Vitamin deficiencies may be a factor, as well.  If you’re low in vitamin B12… vitamin A… or vitamin D, your thyroid will slow its production of hormones.  A deficiency in vitamin A can cause an especially rapid decrease in hormone levels.  Even if you’re emphasizing natural, whole-food sources of these vitamins, you may find you need to introduce vitamin supplements as well.

It is imperative that abnormal levels of thyroid hormones be stabilized so that thyroid-related health conditions do not become chronic, incurable problems … Supplementing with zinc is a safe and natural way to boost thyroid levels and help your thyroid dysfunction.

Another factor to consider is that your thyroid may be responding to an overgrowth of gut bacteria… the presence of heavy metals in your body… or toxins in the bloodstream.  In these cases, you will need to detoxify your body to restore thyroid function to its optimal level.

Remember, no part of your body stands alone. An issue in one area can send ripples through the entire system.  Women are seven times more likely to experience thyroid dysfunction than men are – and their risk increases with menopause and after age 60.

Changing your nutrition to naturally treat hypothyroidism naturally will benefit far more than your little gland with a big job to do.

If you are suffering from an THYROID IMBALANCE or some form of DYSFUNCTION … BIOFEEDBACK is the perfect modality to seek out to help balance your body again!

What you need to know about Thyroid Imbalance Part 1

Did You Know… a thyroid imbalance can affect your entire body?

The thyroid has been referred to as the “Master Hormone” because it controls virtually everything in the body.  Although it may be tiny … (it’s only two inches long and weighs less than an ounce) … you can’t let that mislead you.  From its location below your voice box, this butterfly-shaped gland sends out signals that affect every cell in your body.  Your thyroid can be likened to an airport control tower for your body.  Because thyroid function impacts your entire body, it can be difficult to diagnose when it starts to go awry.

The two main functions of the thyroid are to metabolize calories into energy and to manage the production of hormones that oxygenate your cells.  Each cell in your body contains receptors for thyroid hormones, so if production slows down or speeds up, the consequences can be wide-ranging.

Small, but mighty, the thyroid regulates metabolism, calcium balance and the reproductive system…and promotes the use of oxygen and the production of protein.

It starts with the hypothalamus—the part of the brain that produces hormones that control weight and body temperature among many other bodily processes.

The hypothalamus releases what’s called the TRH hypothalamus hormone (a hormone that requires zinc). The TRH hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete the thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH. Once the thyroid gets the go ahead from TSH, it releases the hormones T3 and T4, which control a multitude of bodily functions.

Hypothyroidism is often times diagnosed incorrectly due to the fact that the symptoms are vague and varied. Misdiagnosis is common and doctors may treat only the symptoms of hypothyroidism and not the source.

Most Common Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Chronic fatigue
Chronic pain – especially in the joints and muscles
Intolerance to cold – such as cold hands and feet
Dry skin and dry, thinning hair
Irregular menstruation and infertility
Unexplained weight gain or puffiness
Depression or mood swings
High cholesterol
Memory loss
It is estimated that over 24 million people suffer from a dysfunctional thyroid – and more than half of these cases are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Endocrinologists have discovered that the majority hypothyroidism sufferers have an autoimmune disorder that causes chronic inflammation called Hashimoto’s disease.  Hashimoto’s occurs when your immune system begins to attack your thyroid.  This disease accounts for a shocking 90% of thyroid dysfunction in patients.

Monday, November 2, 2015

24 Hour Chinese Medicine Clock

This is just a little bit more for fun ...
This post tells the times associated with each organ.  See if it matches up with any of your issues...
for example:  Are you constantly waking up each night at 3:30 a.m.?  What is that in relevance to?

Associated symptoms using the 24 hour Chinese Clock:

Bladder (B) 3-5 p m.  Bladder problems, headache, eye diseases, neck and back problems, pain along the back of the leg

Circulation (C) 7-9p.m.  Poor circulation, angina, palpitation, diseases of the sexual glands and organs, irritability, pain along the course of the meridian

Conception - Diseases of the urogenital system, hernia, cough, breathing difficulties, breast problems

Gall bladder (G) 11 p.m.-I a.m.  Gall bladder problems, ear diseases, migraine, hip problems, dizziness, pain along the meridian

Gland Meridian (Gd) 9-11 p.m. (Triple Warmer)  diseases of the thyroid and adrenal glands, ear problems, sore throat, abdominal distension, oedema, swelling of cheek, pain along the meridian

Governing Meridian (Gv)  Spinal problems, mental disorders, fever, nose problems, headaches

Heart (H) 11 a.m.-1 p.m.  Heart problems, dryness of the throat, jaundice, pain along the course of the meridian

Kidney (K) 5-7 p.m.  kidney problems, lung problems, dry tongue, lumbago, oedema, constipation, diarrhoea, pain and weakness along the course of the meridian

Large Intestine (Li) 5-7 a.m.  abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, sore throat, toothache in the lower gum, nasal discharge and bleeding, pain along the course of the meridian

Liver (Lv) 1-3 a.m.  liver problems, lumbago, vomiting, hernia, urination problems, pain in the lower abdomen and along the course of the meridian

Lung (L) 3-5 a.m.  respiratory diseases, sore throat, cough, common cold, pain in the shoulder and along the meridian

Small Intestine (Si) 1-3 p.m.  pain in the lower abdomen, sore throat, swelling or paralysis of face, deafness, pain along the meridian

Spleen (Sp) 9-11 a.m.  problems of the spleen and pancreas, abdominal distension, jaundice, general weakness and sluggishness, tongue problems, vomiting, pain and swellings along the course of the meridian

Stomach (S) 7-9 a.m. stomach problems, abdominal pain, distension, edema, vomiting, sore throat, facial paralysis, upper gum toothache, nose bleeding, pain along the meridian

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Importance of EMOTIONS

Emotions can really reek havoc in our lives at time, but they are really like our personal guide.  We may want to hide from them at times, but we should in face usethem to our advantage.  We should listen to what our emotions are trying to tell us and be open to them.  They can lead us to great insight.  Everyone our our experiences in life has an emotional component.  Whenever possible, try to check in with your emotions and ask yourself  'how do I feel?"  This can help us express our emotions and quite possibly keep us out of that dreaded "over reacting" consequence because we actually took the time to stop and check in with our emotions.  This small and easy check-in will allow our emotions to move through us ... as they are meant to do, instead of our emotions holdling us back or keeping us prisoner.

Our emotions come from the deeper part of our consciousness.  Our consciousness or logical mind can be helpful as it allows us to evaluate the pros and cons of a situation, but it can also cause us to become indecisive.  Sometimes, it can get in the way of our intelligence.  It can be helpful to ask ourselves why we feel a certain way.  And that "certain way" is usually because of a past situation! But if we allow ourselves to check-in and ask our subconscious mind or our heart which may then allow us to see or feel more clearly and not let our old baggage get in the way.

Our emotions are really not something to be feared.  They can help us connect with our higher selves, they can help us dream for the future, and they can let us know if we're on track with our desires. Our emotions are more reliable than our thinking, logical mind actually. It's important to remember that we cannot be our emotions if we become aware of our emotions. Just like we are not our behaviors when we overreact!  Our behaviors are more just a way in which we act or live in any moment when we may not have the answer we need at that moment.

We are consciously aware of our emotions even if we don't realize.  Face it, it's not usually something we sit and ponder over until we are forced into a situation where we let the emotions rule us.  We can trust our emotions (really!!!), to bring us to our true self or to that which we desire.  Sometimes though, we're unable to do this.  Sometimes life becomes uncomfortable or dramatic.  But we don't have to let our emotions interfere and cause us even more uncomfort and more drama.  The tendency then can be to push our emotions down or to deny them.  They can then become stuck in our body which can lead to illness and disease.  So see... it's very important to adopt this ask yourself from within and do the check in.  Release what you are feeling but in a more positive way.  When life becomes uncomfortable or dramatic, try to take a practical approach.  You might remove yourself from the situation.  You might do something to calm, nurture or support yourself like going for a walk, meditating, soak in a tub, get a massage, listen to some music, do your favorite craft .... or anything that helps you to relax and unwind... But don't let yourself be stuck ... release them any way you can.  You are not your emotions and you are not the behaviors.
And if you need help getting in touch and releasing some of that old baggage that keeps popping up and adding to your drama .... you can always call me ...!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A-Z Suggestions for Homeopathics

A-Z listing of 600+ symptoms with matching homeopathic

- - red with swelling Belladonna 30C
- -helps pull out poisons Hepar Sulphur 30C
- -bluish Lachesis 30C
- -dental Mercurius Vivus 30C
- -worse with cold Silicea 30C

Abdominal pain:
- -with gas Carbo Veg 30C
- -with spasmodic cramps Magnesium Phos 6X

- - Juglans reg 30C
- -worse with washing Sulphur 30C
- -teen acneHepar Sulphur 30C

ADD, ADHD, Attention Problems:
- -difficulty concentrating Kali Phos 30C
- -from poor nutrition Bioplasma
- - support for neuro transmitters GABA

- -sinus drip Natrum Mur 6X
- - watery, itchy eyes Allium Cepa 30X
- -runny nose Gelsemium 30C
- -burning eyes Euphrasia 30C
- -food Allergy Category remedy for dairy, grains, and specific foods
- -sun Hypericum 30C

- -pushes himself & others too hard Nux Vomica 30C
- -menopausal Stramonium Complex 10X
- -suppressed or anger from past abuse Staphysagria 30C
- -sudden outburstStramonium 30C

- -Anxiety combination following traumatic events, stressful situations, free floating anxiety, panic, obsessive-compulsive
- - Aconite 30C
- -Gelsemium 30C
- - Spongia tosta 30C
- -Arsenicum Album 30C
- -Phosphorus 30C

- - Arthritis combination for painful, stiff, swollen joints; gout; uric acid diatheses
- -worse end of day Bryonia 30C
- -worse am, better after warming up joints with gentle motion Rhus tox 30C

- - Asthma combination for difficult breathing; dyspnea (shortness of breath); raspy breathing
- -Antimonium Tart 30X
- -Arsenicum Album 30C
- -Ipecac 30X
- -Nux Vomica 30X
- -Gelsemium 30C

Athletes Foot:
- -Thuja 30C

Bad breathe:
- -Mercurius Vivus 30X

- -Arnica 30C
- -Rhus Tox 30C
- -Ruta Grav 30C
- -from nerve injury Hypericum 30C

Back Pain
- - Back combination for sciatic and lower back pain

- -Pulsatilla 30X
- -Phosphorus 30C

Bee stings:
- -Apis Mel 30X

Bladder Irritation:
- -Aconite 30C

Bladder Infection:
- -Cantharis 30X
- -Causticum 30X
- -Staphysagria 30C

Bleeding, gums:
- -Arnica 30X
- -Phosphorus 30X

- -Calendula-Plus

- -after overeating Nux Vomica 30C
- -after eating Carbo Veg 30C

- -sensitive to touch Hepar Sulphur 30C
Sulphur 30C

- -pain Bone combination
- -- -broken Injury combination
- -broken Eupatorium Perf 30C
- -hair line fractures, slow healing breaks Symphytum 30X
- -growing pains Calcium Phos 6X
- - injury Ruta Grav 30C
- -aching Rhus Tox 30C

Bone Spurs:
- - Bone
- - Hekla Lava

- -shortness Sulphur 30C
- -difficult Spongia Tosta 30C

- - Bronchitis combination especially during the cold and flu season

- -from injuries Arnica 30X
- -easily bruises Ledum 30X

- -pain Cantharis 30X

- -gas or indigestion Carbo Veg 30X

- -Cantharis 30X
- -with nerve pain Hypericum 30X
- -on sensitive or irritated skin Urtica Urens 30C

- -balance, helps with assimilation Calcarea Phosphorica 6X

- - Candida Alb 30C

Canker Sore:
- -Cold Sore Remedy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
- -damage or weakness in tendons Ruta Grav 30C
- -topical for inflammation Traumeel gel

- - Chest respiratory combination for painful chest from accident or illness
- -constriction Ipecac 30X
- -rattling Veratrum Album 30X

Chicken Pox:
- -may help to prevent pock marks Antimonium Tart 30X
- -with body aches Byronia 30X
- -intense itching Rhus Tox 30X

- - ill, irritable Chamomilla 30X
- -ill, clingy Pulsatilla 30X
- -suddenly ill Aconite 30X
- -rashes Calendula ointment, spray, oil or soap.

- -for skin inflammation due to poor circulation Pulsatilla 30C
- -place on unbroken skin Arnicated oil

- -persons feels weak, coughing up of mucous Carbo Veg 30X
- -choking coughs Ipecac 30X

- - Cold combination for respiratory congestion, swollen lymph glands, sinus headache
- -green nasal discharge Mercurius Vivus 30X
- -burning in nose & throat Spongia Tosta 30C
- -in the chest Phosphorus 30C
- -with fever Ferrum Phos 6X
- -head cold with nasal discharge Pulsatilla 30X
- -head cold with chest congestion Bryonia Alba 30X
- -in eyes Allium Cepa 30X
- -runny nose Nat Mur 6X
- -runny nose with yellow mucous Pulsatilla 30C
- -runny nose, aches Gelsemium 30C
- -Summer cold Gelsemium 30X

Cold sores:
frequent Zincum Met. 30X
- -combination formula Cold Sore Formula
- -Topical Erpace Cold Sore Lip Balm

low pain tolerance Chamomilla 30X
- -with stomach cramps Mag Phos 6X
- -gas pain Hylands Colic Tablets
- -for colic a few hours after eating Nux Vomica 30X
- -with legs drawn up Pulsatilla 30X
- -improves digestion, colic from food allergies Natrum Phos 6X
- -afer overeating, sensitive stomach Lycopodium 30X

- - Diarrhea combination
- - Intestine combination

- -following surgery Constipation combination
- -alternating with diarrhea Nux Vomica 30X or Constipation combination
- -with abdominal pain Constipation combination
- -bloating Constipation Formula
- -with gas Lycopodium 30C
- -dry painful elimination Bryonia 30C

- - croup Bromium 30C use Bromium at first stages of any cough to prevent longterm problem
- -dry barking cough Bryonia 30X
- -croup Bromium 30C
- -bronchial Bronchitis
- -stubborn coughs of children Cough Formula
- - childrens coughs with excess mucous Bronchial Cough Formula
- -feels like something caught in throat Hepar Sulphur 30X
- -respiratory ailments due to bronchitis Chest
- -for children Cough Syrup by Hylands
- -coughs due to weather change Dulcamara 30X
- -hard coughs with even vomiting Kali Bichrom 30C
- -first sign Aconite 30X

- -pms, labor caulophyllum 30C
- -muscle cramps, pms cimicifuga Rac 30X
- -in calves, nighttime cramps Magnesia Phos 6X
- -charley horses, burning Leg cramps with Quinine

Dental problems:
- -excess salivation Mercurius Vivus 30C
- -metallic taste Stramonium 30C
- -Toothaches Plantago 3X
- -Bone pain Calcium Phos 6X
- -improve Calcium absorption Vitamin K 12X
- -Receded, bleeding gums Kali Phos 6X
- -Remineralization of Enamel Calcium Fluoride 6X

Dental surgery:
- -before and after Arnica 30X
- -before Hypericum 30X

- -from grief of heartache Ignatia 30C
- -Mood Fix Combination
- -with loss of self-worth Aurum Met 30C
- -with emotional stress Anxiety Combination
- -for when your cells just need a boost Calcium Phos 6X
- -with lack of energy Nat Mur 6X
- -emotional, tearful Pulsatilla 30C
- -with health problems Staphysagria 30C

- -- - Detox Kit for eliminating toxins, support immune system, natural cleanse

Diaper Rash:
- - Calendula Ointment
- -Calendula Spray
- -red, irritated, burning skin Cantharis 30X

- -colitis Diarrhea combination or Intestine
- -intestinal spasms Diarrhea
- -from food poisoning Arsenicum Album 30X
- -with nausea Ipecac 30X
- -spicy food Nux Vomica 30X
- -sudden Phosphorus30X
- -indigestion Podophyllum 30X
- -morning Sulphur 30C
- -watery Phosphorus 30C
- -diarrhea with cramps Diarrhea

- -from eating foods that don't agree with you Carbo Veg 30C
- -foul smelling, acidic Natrum Phos 6X

- -burning Arsenicum Album 30X
- -clear nasal Allium Cepa 30X
- -green Hepar Sulphur 30X
- -watery Gelsemium 30X
- -yellow Pulsatilla30X

- -sudden illness Aconite 30C
- -when laying down or changing positions - -Lightheaded
- -illness Gelsemium 30C

- -General Dryness Bryonia 30C
- -Dry Mouth Bryonia 30X

- -First signs of earache Aconite 30X
- -Red and burning Belladonna 30X
- -Infection Chamomilla Earache Combination
- -Inflammation Ferrum Phos 6X
- -Inner ear Inner Ear 4C
- -Middle ear Middle Ear 4C
- -Painful Plantago Eardrops
- -Painful Ear Drop Combination
- -Plugged Eustachian tube Kali Mur 6X
- -Children Pulsatilla 30X
- -Rightsided Belladonna 30C

- -abscessed Mercurius Vivus 30C
- -roaring Aconite 30C
- -tinnitus RingStop

- - Kidney Care

- -support lymph system's ability to detox Lymphomyosot
- -dry, itchy Sulphur 30C
- -topical Calendula ointment 3.5oz
- -topical Calendula ointment 13.5oz
- -itch, burn, swell Arsenicum Album 30C
- -scalp Kali Mur 6X

Emotional strain:
- -anxiety tablets Anxiety
- -grief and depression Ignatia 30C

- - Bromium 30C
- -Quebracho

- -physical exhaustion Exhaustion
- -with illness or flu Gelsemium 30X
- -heat exhaustion Veratrum Album 30C
- -nervous exhaustion Kali Phos
- -mental fatigue or exhaustion Alertness

- - eyestrain Ruta Grav 30C
- - injury Aconite 30X
- - inflammation, swelling, redness Euphrasia 30C
- - pain Hypericum 30X
- -Injury-black eye Ledum 30C
- -burning Sulphur 30C
- -pink eye Arsenicum Album 30C
- -sticky discharge Pulsatilla 30X
- -watery Eye drops
- -red, fatigue, swollen Eye Formula

- -Ruta Grav 30C

- -Pulsatilla 30X

- -physical and mental Fatigue
- -mental fatigue Alertness
- -physical fatigue Exhaustion
- -muscle fatigue following exercise Energy-Rendimax
- -slow recovery from illness or from chronic symptoms Enzyme homeopathic for improved energy utilization

- - trauma Aconite 30X
- -of being ill Arsenicum Album 30C
- -any stressful or emotional upset, also for petsRescue Remedy liquid

Female Complaints:
Feminine combination for ovarian cysts; all menstrual difficulties; itching and burning.

- -sudden Aconite 30X
- -high fevers Belladonna 30X
- -with paleness Bryonia 30X
- -children Chamomilla 30X
- -inflammation Ferrum Phos 6X
- -with flu Gelsemium 30C
- -restlessness Pulsatilla 30X

Fever Blisters:
- -Erpace

- -muscle weakness Rhus Tox 30C
- -pain constantly shifting Pulsatilla 30C
- -nerve pain Mag Phos 6X

- -shortly after eating Nux Vomica 30C
- -with heartburn Carbo Veg 30X

- - prevention Dolivaxil
- -with aches, bone and muscle Bryonia 30X
- -with cold Gelsemium 30X
- -with aches, bone and muscle Rhus Tox 30C
- -intestinal flu, chills, exhaustion Flu Plus

Food poisoning:
- - Arsenicum Album 30X

- -hair line fractures, slow healing breaks Symphytum 30X
- -children, pain in bonesBone combination
- -sprains, dislocations Injury combination
- -broken Eupatorium Perf 30C
- -aid in healing fractures, use in addition to any of the above remedies Calcium Phos 6X

- -Aconite 30X

Gall Stones:
- -cell salt to use with chelidonium Calcium Phos 6X
- -Chelidonium 30C

- -indigestion and heartburn Stomach formula
- -bloating Carbo Veg 30C

- -Carbo Veg 200C

- -tendency to swollen glands when illLymphomyosot

- -Ignatia 30X

Growing Pains:
- - Calcarea Phos 6X

- -swollen Mercurius Vivus 30X

Hair Loss:
- - Hair and Skin combination
- - Lycopodium

- -Nux Vomica 30C

- - watery eyes Allium Cepa 30X
- -nasal congestion and itchy eyes - -Hayfever Nasal Spray
- -sneezing and itchy throat Hepar Sulphur 30X

- -tension headache Headache combination for aspirin alternative
- -migraines, sinus headaches Headache 2 migraine combination
- - periodic migraines Migraine Relief combination
- - band around head Aconite 30X
- -from sinus congestion Belladonna 30C
- -worse in the evening Bryonia Alba 30C
- - from fever, also from being in the sun Ferrum Phos 6X
- -stress headache Ignatia 30C
- - mental and eye strain Ruta Grav 30C
- -headache with nausea, morning sickness headache Veratrum Album 30C
- -Dull, heaviness, muscular soreness of shoulders Gelsemium 30C
- - frontal, splitting Nux Vomica 30C

- -all ages Carbo Veg 200C
- -with burpingArgentum Nit 30C
- -over ate, different foods Nux Vomica 30X

Heat exhaustion:
- -aching, headache Gelsemium 30X
- -clammy sweat Veratrum Album 30X

Heat prostration:
- -collapse Veratrum Album 30C
- -sun collapse, cold Carbo Veg 30C

Heaviness of legs:
- -VeinGard

- - with burning Cantharis 30X
- -menstrual Ferrum Phos 6X
- -dental and nose bleeds Phosphorus 30X

- -itching and swollen Hamamelis 30C
- -rectal burning and swellling Hemorrhoid combination for healing imflamed tissues
- -hemorrhoids that bleed and for rectal itching Hemorrhoid and rectal ointment
- -burning Sulphur 30C

- -hiccup and vomiting Ignatia 30X

- -itching, redness, swelling Apis Mell 30X
- - tendency to have hives Rhus Tox 30X

- -beginning of laryngitis Allium Cepa 30X
- -feels like somethings caught in the throat Hepar Sulphur 30X
- -with coughing Ipecac 30X
- -suddenly loses voice Phosphorus 30C
- -with chest congestion Antimonium Tart 30X
- - laryngitis Argentum Met 30C
- -causticum 30C

Hot Flashes:
- - Femgest progesterone cream
- -Klimaktheel combination
- -Women's Support glandular support

- - Ignatia 30X

- -weak pulse Ferrum Phos 6X
- -gradual onset Gelsemium 30X
- -lingering Carbo Veg 30C
- -sudden aconite 30X

- -men Nux Vomica 30C
- -refuses after receiving request Chamomilla 30X

Immune System:
- - Enzyme homeopathic to support health, for all ages, can use regularly
- - Bioplasma Cell Salt combination to support health, for all ages, can use regularly
- - Echinacea homeopathic to support health, for all ages, can use regularly

- -burning in esophagus Cantharis 30X
- -also may have heartburn and stomach bloating Carbo Veg 30X
- -with burping, bloating a few hours after eating Nux Vomica 30X
- -from eating food not use to Phosphorus 30X
- -in children Pulsatilla 30X

- -cuts, abrasions, minor burns, redness and swellingInfection combination
- -dental Hepar Sulphur 30C

- - all stages of inflammation Ferrum Phos 6X
- - arthritis and rheumatism, fever, minor injuries, acne vulgaris Inflammation combination

- -pain relief for acute trauma, repetitive or overuse of injuries, arthritic conditions Traumeel
- -bones Ruta Grav 30X
- -eye, nerve, tailbone Hypericum 30X
- -falls, general injury Arnica 30X
- -bruises, sprains, infection, inflammation, and minor bleeding Injury combination

Insect bite:
- -Apis Mellifica 30X
- - topicalApis Mell 20 grams
- -Rhus Tox 30X

- -from worry, griefIgnatia 30X
- -insomnia and also frequent wakingInsomnia combination
- - insomnia at 3 am Nux Vomica 30X
- -Pulsatilla 30X
- -Passiflora 30X
- -desire to Antimonium Tart 30X
- -sleepless Gelsemium 30C
- -sleeplessness Ferrum Phos 6X
- -sleepy, cannot sleep Belladonna 30X

- -Bryonia Alba 30C
- - childrenChamomilla 30X
- -Type A personality Nux Vomica 30C

- -Apis Mell 30C
- -Itching in throat Carbo Veg 30C

Joint pain:
- -worse in eveningBryonia Alba 30C

- -protect kidney function Kidney Care
- -kidney stones Berberis Vulg 30C
- -kidney pain and dysfunction Uri Cleanse combination

- - see hoarseness above

Leg cramps:
- -Magnesia Phos 6X

- -aversion to Arsenicum Album 30C
- -photophobia Eye combination

- -vertigo from illness or disease Lightheaded combination

- - Lycopodium 30C
- -Gastro-Cleanse

Male Complaints:
- -genital difficulties and increase stamina Masculine
- -prostate Prost-Health

- -Byronia 30X

- -weak memory, confusion Ginkgo homeopathic

- -dizziness with buzzing in the ears - Lightheaded combination

Menstrual Complaints:
- -leukorrhea, amenorrhea, difficult and painful menses Menstrualcombination
- -cramps, nervousness Magnesia Phos 6X
- -cramps with nausea Veratrum Album 30X

- - Aurum Met 30C to even out moods, lighten stress and brighten outlook
- -changeable Pulsatilla 30C
- - Stramonium

Muscle spasms:
- -Magnesia Phos 6X
- -Spasm Pain

- - sore Rhus Tox 30C

Nasal discharge:
- -Allium Cepa 30X

- - Nausea combination
- -Carbo Veg 30X
- - Ipecac 30X
- -Nux Vomica 30C
- - Phosphorus 30X
- -Sulphur 30C
- -Veratrum Album 30X

Nerve Pain from Illness or Injury:
- - Neuralgia
- - Hypericum 30X

- - Calming combination for nervous irritability
- - Nerve Tonic
- -Gelsemium 30C

Night sweats:
Klimaktheel combination for perimenopause and menopause
- - Phosphorus 30C

- -Ferrum Phos 30X
- -Arnica 30X
- -Phosphorus 30C

Open air:
- - craves Pulsatilla 30C

- -Arnica 30X
- -Traumeel tablets
- -Traumeel ointment

- -to noise, light, music Nux Vomica 30C

- - Traumeel gel
- -Traumeel tablets
- - aching, arthritic Bryonia Alba 30C
- -arthritic Rhus Tox 30C
- -abdominal, cuttingIpecac 30X
- - burning, sticking pain Apis Mell 30C
- -burning Cantharis 30X
- -bursting, frantic from pain Aconite 30C
- -cramping Belladonna 30C
- -intolerance to Chamomilla 30C
- - joint and bone Calcarea Phos 6X
- -postoperative Hypericum 30C
- -sticking pain Hepar Sulphur 30C
- -stomach pain Phosphorus 30C
- -throbbing pain Ferrum Phos 6X
- -urination painful Mercurius Vivus 30X

Klimaktheel combination for hormonal balance

Poison ivy:
- - Rhus Tox 30X

- - Chest respiratory combination

- - premenstral symptoms Magnesium Phos 6X
- - Veratrum Album 30X
- - Pulsatilla 30C
- - Sepia 30C
- -Menstrual

Puncture wounds:
- -Hypericum 30X
- -Ledum 30X
- -Calendula 13.5 oz
- -Calendula 3.5 oz

Pupils dilated:
- -Belladonna 30C

- -face Belladonna 30C
- -skin Apis Mell 30X

- - Aconite 30X
- -Arsenicum Album 30C
- -Belladonna 30X
- -Ferrum Phos 6X
- -Rhus Tox 30C

- - burns Cantharis 30X

- -Sinus Relief Nasal Spray
- -Kali Mur 6X
- -Nat Mur 200C
- -Silicea 6X
- -Sinus

Rhus Tox 30C
- -Magnesium Phos 6X

- -Arnica 30X
- -to muscles, sprains, bruised bones Ruta Grav 30C
- -collapse Aconite 30C
- -Rescue Remedy 20ml

- -hot dry skin Belladonna 30C
- -pustules Skin Formula
- -scaly, unhealthy Sulphur 30C
- - Graphites 30C

- -see insomnia above

- -Sleepiness in the daytime, insomnia at night Insomnia combination

- - Aconite 30X
- - Allium 30X

- -muscles Rhus Tox 30X
- -sore muscles Arnica 30C
- -Traumeel tablets
- - Traumeel ointment

Sore Throat:
- -Aconite 30C
- -Allium Cepa 30C
- -Arsenicum Album 30C
- - Throat
- -Belladonna 30C
- -Ferrum Phos 6X
- -Gelsemium 30C
- -Hepar Sulphur 30C
- - Mercurius Vivus 30C
- -Nux Vomica 30C
- -Spongia Tosta 30C

- - Hypericum 30X

- -worse on initial motion Rhus Tox 30X
- -ligaments Ruta Grav 30X
- -ankle, cold, swollen Ledum 30X

Stage Fright:
- -Gelsemium 30C

- -Bryonia 30C
- -Rhus Tox 30C

- -Cantharis30X
- -Ledum 30C

- -stomachache Bryonia 30X
- -StomachCombination for stomach ailments

- - loose Phosphorus 30X
- -offensive Arsenicum Album 30X
- -changeable Sulphur 30X
- -slimy, green Chamomilla 30X
- -green Ipecac 30X
- -slimy Mercurius Vivus 30C

- - Rhus Tox 30C

- -Ignatia 30C
- -Anxiety combination

- - Staphysagria 30C
- -Apis Mell 30C

:Cantharis 30X

- -Aconite 30X
- -Arnica 30X
- -dental Hypericum 30X
- -Injury combination for faster healing

- -difficulty Arsenicum Album 30X
- -swallowing difficulty Gelsemium 30C

- -Perspiration combination for offensive sweating, excess perspiration
- -Calcarea Carb 30C
- -Klimaktheel combination for hot flashes

- - Apis Mell 30C

Swollen glands:
- -Mercurius Vivus 30C
- - Lymphomyosot

- - injury Hypericum 30C

- -sour Phosphorus 30X
- -lack of tasteZinc 30X

- - Calcarea Phos 6X
- -low tolerance to painChamomilla 30X
- - Hylands Teething tablets

- -temper tantrums Chamomilla 30X

- -injury Arnica 30X

- - Ruta Grav 30C

- -Aconite 30X
- -Bryonia 30X
- -unquenchable Cantharis 30X

- -Gelsemium 30X

- -dry Spongia Tosta 30C
- -sore Mercurius Vivus 30C

- - Mercurius Vivus 30X

- -decay Hekla Lava 30C
- -tooth decay Mercurius Vivus 30C

- -Belladonna 30C
- -Chamomilla 30X

- -Mercurius Vivus 30C
- -Plantago liquid
- -Ruta Grav 30C

- -Weakness Apis Mell 30C
- -Uri-Control
- -Cantharis 30X

Urinary Infection:
- -Aconite 30C
- - Cantharis 30X
- - Mercurius Vivus 30C

- -burning, painful, urge to urninate frequently Mercurius Vivus 30C
- -painful, retention, scant urination Aconite 30C

- -from illness, disease, Meniere's Lightheaded combination

- - blurred Gelsemium 30C
- - loss of Carbo Veg 30C
- - Eye combination for photophobia, ophthalmia (eye inflammation), conjunctivitis (pink eye) chalazion (tumor)

- -Arsenicum Album 30X
- -Veratrum Album 30C
- -Bryonia Alba 30X
- -Chamomilla 30X
- -Ipecac 30X
- -Nux Vomica 30C

Warts- -
- -childrenThuja 30X
- -Thuja 30C
- - for best results use Thuja ointment topically with internal Thuja

- - Carbo Veg 30C
- - during fluGelsemium 30C
- -Mercurius Vivus 30C
- -Veratrum Album 30X
- -Exhaustion

- -Nat Mur 6X

- -Hepar Sulphur 30X
- - Ipecac 30X
- -Spongia Tosta 30X
- -Asthma

- -bruising from bumps Ledum 30X
- -tendency to bruising Ledum 30C
- -puncture Hypericum 30X
- - pain, shock Arnica 30X