Some maladies are thought to be "autoimmune," that
is, one's immune system supposedly goes wacky and starts attacking its own
body. I think this can happen, but only in rare instances, and perhaps only in
transplant cases (which is where it is really attacking a foreign body.)
The way "autoimmune" disorders are typically
diagnosed is … a blood panel is drawn and immune system disorder is seen based
on excessive counts of one or more immune factors, which is typical of many
infections. Then, smears and cultures, antigen and antibody tests, biopsies,
and other diagnostics are run, but
nothing is seen.
Disregarding the fact that only a tiny fraction of bacteria, parasites, toxins, fungi, or other pathogens
are tested for that could be causing an inflammatory condition such as this, it
is assumed that the immune system is attacking the body.
The immune system is pretty sophisticated and sensitive. A
lot more sophisticated than the current diagnostic capabilities of conventional
medicine. It compares DNA or protein coatings of pathogens against its own. If
it does not get a match, it puts out a call to arms.
In recent years, conventional
medicine has found or suspected that there are many disorders actually caused
by pathogens, and sometimes common ones, that were not suspected before.
Some cases of circulation dysfunction,
heart disease, Parkinson's, lupus, MS, and other illnesses are now suspected to
be caused by chlamydia, rather common bacteria that appears to get out of
control in some people. Inflammatory
bowel diseases like IBS are now known to some researchers to be often caused by
giardia. Same with Lyme disease and spirochete bacteria. Mycoplasmas are
now being investigated as being the cause of other chronic disorders, but there
are no conventional medical tests which detect them.
Parasites like worms can cause a myriad of problems throughout the
body, especially if they "escape" the intestinal tract. The
typical test for parasites is a fecal swab. If it comes up negative, the
patient is declared to be free of parasites, although this test probably is less than 1% accurate in detecting
active parasitic infection in the body.
Look how long it took to acknowledge that heliobacter pylori is the usual cause of
gastric ulcers, even though the fact was proven over thirty years ago. Even
now in 2016, some MDs are still prescribing acid blockers.
Conventional researchers have found chlamydia trachomatis,
yersinia enterocolitica, shigella, y. pseudotuberculosis, and ureaplasma
urealyticum as the cause of some inflammatory disease. As far as I know, these
bacteria are not typically tested for when attempting to diagnose an
"autoimmune" disease. Even then, one of the most
sophisticated conventional diagnostics for bacteria, the ALISA antibody test,
is only about 30% accurate. It even
says right on the results that it shouldn't be used as a diagnostic test.
Lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and many other
inflammatory disorders are now being treated by a handful of forward-thinking
doctors with low dose long term antibiotics. They claim great success in most
cases, although progress can be slow (probably because they are using low dose
instead of high doses of antibiotics). This treatment is based on the work of
Thomas McPherson Brown, MD. Don't hold one's breath for effective therapy for
these disorders to be prescribed by conventional doctors anytime soon, though.
The normal prescription
for inflammatory disorders are strong anti inflammatories like steroids. These
can certainly decrease symptoms but since they are covering up the problem and
doing nothing to treat it, make it worse in the long run. A more ridiculous prescription for treating
a pathogen-induced illness is a drug which decreases immune function.
Since there are less immune cells to "call to arms" there is less
inflammation. I can think of no better
way to allow a pathogen to overrun and destroy tissue more quickly.
Many who are familiar with complementary health measures for
"autoimmune" disorders will note that good treatments for many of
them are herbs that should, according to conventional medicine, make the
disorder worse. Echinacea, cat's claw
(uncaria tometosa), goldenseal, pau d'arco, to name a few, are some of the
better herbal immune stimulators. Yet they are often found valuable in
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, IBS, circulation dysfunction, heart disease,
Parkinson's, scleroderma, and many other disorders, when taken in sufficient
dosage. Since they are generally antiinflammatory and antibacterial, they are
often appropriate treatments since they provide some palliation while
addressing the cause.
Another consideration in inflammatory disorders is organ function. There must be
sufficient cleansing capacity to be able to fight inflammatory disorders since
"trash" like metabolic by products in the tissues inhibits immune
function and may provide more food for bacteria, fungi, or parasites. It is
therefore necessary to ensure the lymphs, kidneys, liver, and colon are working
well. Whether an herbal or conventional
antibiotic regimen will be used, cleaning the organs is a valuable exercise.

The "Conventional Diagnosis of Parasites" article describes
the expensive and time-consuming methods that must be used to rule out parasite
involvement. I think it easier, and certainly cheaper and less time consuming,
to merely treat for parasites, since most of the herbs used are also beneficial
against bacteria and fungi and without side effects. The liver, kidneys, and lymphs should be
clean before attempting to deparasitize since it may strain these organs.
Toxins absorbed or
ingested into the body can also wreak havoc on the immune system. Some of
the toxins produced by pathogens can be tested for, but are probably
not tested in over 99.9% of cases when they could be suspect. Toxic
metals, solvents, and other poisons are tested for even less, although it is
known that excessive amounts of toxic metals like mercury in the tissues can
cause immune system dysfunction. So can aspartame, which causes symptoms
indistinguishable from MS in some cases and can cause blood sugar problems when
used long term (probably when there are insufficient vitamins (like B6)
and minerals which help to detoxify the wood alcohol (major pancreas toxin) and
phenylalinine (brain and nervous system toxin when used to excess)). It can take up to 18 months of completely
avoiding toxins like aspartame and mercury before they are reduced to neglible
levels in body tissues.
White cells will usually "attack" a toxin which is
in the tissue, trying to remove it, assuming the immune system is not
completely exhausted from fighting pathogens and toxins, which can happen in
some cases. Not suspecting or attempting to diagnose a toxin, one might think
the immune system was attacking the body's tissues, when it is really doing what it should -
attempting to remove the offending substance. Avoiding ingestion and absorption
of toxins is the best regimen. Any Hulda
Clark book, or the Toxin Avoidance section, gives details.
Any problems in the dental area must be addressed for
success in fighting infections coming from the mouth. Toxic dental materials
can be a direct problem, as can dental bacteria and their toxins which can
infect root canals and other areas of the mouth. Bob's Dental Awareness website
discusses these problems.
An excerpt from the site:
"The new and latest scientific research implicating toxic compounds
emitted by mercury amalgam fillings and root canal teeth anaerobic bacteria
show definite links to systemic diseases such as CFS, fibromyalgia, ALS, MS,
lupus, multichemical senstivity, Parkinson's, endocarditis, and more. Research
and clinical trials have indicated that the toxins excreted by anaerobic
bacteria may be the cause of the onset of as much as 85% of the systemic diseases. It is a proven and accepted fact that
these dental induced toxins inhibit or destroy key enzymes needed for cell
reproduction and energy conversion. These toxins also destroy key cellular
proteins in the cerebral spinal fluid which allows these and other toxins to
destroy nerves and mutate other cellular tissues."
Other problems with chronic disease can be caused by slow
elimination. Many disorders are greatly exacerbated if there is not sufficient
elimination. If the colon is not kept clean, toxins are reabsorbed before they
are eliminated. Slow elimination also provides an ideal breeding ground for
pathogens, adding more toxins and the increased risk of them crossing the
intestinal barrier.
To combat autoimmune disorders, I would use cleansing and
antiseptic regimens. Start with Organ
support and then cleanses. (we don’t
want to stress the organs any more than they already are). I believe this is a good way to get the
symptoms under control and to stop poisoning our bodies further with Steroids
and anti-inflammatory meds!!! Which can
have serious side affects.
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