Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Importance of EMOTIONS

Emotions can really reek havoc in our lives at time, but they are really like our personal guide.  We may want to hide from them at times, but we should in face usethem to our advantage.  We should listen to what our emotions are trying to tell us and be open to them.  They can lead us to great insight.  Everyone our our experiences in life has an emotional component.  Whenever possible, try to check in with your emotions and ask yourself  'how do I feel?"  This can help us express our emotions and quite possibly keep us out of that dreaded "over reacting" consequence because we actually took the time to stop and check in with our emotions.  This small and easy check-in will allow our emotions to move through us ... as they are meant to do, instead of our emotions holdling us back or keeping us prisoner.

Our emotions come from the deeper part of our consciousness.  Our consciousness or logical mind can be helpful as it allows us to evaluate the pros and cons of a situation, but it can also cause us to become indecisive.  Sometimes, it can get in the way of our intelligence.  It can be helpful to ask ourselves why we feel a certain way.  And that "certain way" is usually because of a past situation! But if we allow ourselves to check-in and ask our subconscious mind or our heart which may then allow us to see or feel more clearly and not let our old baggage get in the way.

Our emotions are really not something to be feared.  They can help us connect with our higher selves, they can help us dream for the future, and they can let us know if we're on track with our desires. Our emotions are more reliable than our thinking, logical mind actually. It's important to remember that we cannot be our emotions if we become aware of our emotions. Just like we are not our behaviors when we overreact!  Our behaviors are more just a way in which we act or live in any moment when we may not have the answer we need at that moment.

We are consciously aware of our emotions even if we don't realize.  Face it, it's not usually something we sit and ponder over until we are forced into a situation where we let the emotions rule us.  We can trust our emotions (really!!!), to bring us to our true self or to that which we desire.  Sometimes though, we're unable to do this.  Sometimes life becomes uncomfortable or dramatic.  But we don't have to let our emotions interfere and cause us even more uncomfort and more drama.  The tendency then can be to push our emotions down or to deny them.  They can then become stuck in our body which can lead to illness and disease.  So see... it's very important to adopt this ask yourself from within and do the check in.  Release what you are feeling but in a more positive way.  When life becomes uncomfortable or dramatic, try to take a practical approach.  You might remove yourself from the situation.  You might do something to calm, nurture or support yourself like going for a walk, meditating, soak in a tub, get a massage, listen to some music, do your favorite craft .... or anything that helps you to relax and unwind... But don't let yourself be stuck ... release them any way you can.  You are not your emotions and you are not the behaviors.
And if you need help getting in touch and releasing some of that old baggage that keeps popping up and adding to your drama .... you can always call me ...!!!!

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