Monday, March 14, 2016

Banana Drink - fat burning and detoxifying

I Love Bananas in my drinks, adds to the flavour so nicely.  I was happy to stumble across this little gem that has the added benefit of being FAT BURNING & PUSHES TOXINS out of your body!!!  A triple win!

1 Banana
1 Orange
1/2 C. Yogurt
1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
1/4 tsp. Ginger
2 Tbsp. Flax seed
1 tsp. Cinnamon

Mix it all together in your blender and your ready to go.  

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Magnesium, Belladonna & Turmeric ... Recipe for Pain

As some of you may already know, I suffer from what the doctors have termed "Systematic MS", if you ever look it up, you won't find it .. cause there is no such thing!  In other words they don't know what is going on except its probably one of the 100's Auto Immune Diseases that it seems everyone has these days!

Anyways, I was working with a bedridden fellow last weekend and totally wrecked my back (again). Nerve pain is excruciating if you've never had the privilege of dealing with it, which I hope you haven't.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Well as it seems, one pain leads to another, leads to another and bang the typical MS symptoms started flaring up...  Mainly the nerve pain that MS people suffer from that shoots into their face. It was terrible.  I could hardly brush my hair or touch my face, chew or swallow, or brush my teeth these last few days. Anyways, out of desperation, I broke down and took the Lyrica, which I wouldn't normally do, but absolutely nothing would take the pain away.  Things soothed it slightly, but it just wouldn't go away, it kept coming back constantly.  1 Lyrica didn't work, 2 Lyricas didn't work.  My body and mind were stoned, but not the nerve pain. I even threw a nice strong Caesar into the mix (which I wouldn't recommend drinking on meds for anyone, but .... when you are desperate, you'll try dam near anything!)

Then .... I got the brainwave!!!! A friend of mine gave a bottle of liquid Magnesium to try, (which seemed to be working nicely for the arthritis pain), and it was sitting right in front of me, so hey???? what the hell? I am a natural born mixer, lol (perfumes, tonics, tinctures, etc.)  So ... I mixed the liquid Magnesium with my liquid Turmeric and Belladonna, (which is a homeopathic, so is already in liquid form), and then applied it to my face.  Awesome!!!  I slept like a baby, no pain. The next morning before going to work, I applied it to my face again, and I've only had one electric jolt of pain all day!  So???  I'm thinking I stumbled on to something.  Seems to work for me anyways.  Maybe it might help some others!!!!

So here you go:
I just mixed all this in the palm of my hand to apply it to my face...

Liquid Magnesium (it comes in a spray bottle, so maybe 3 or 4 squirts)
Belladonna (about 10 drops)
1 dropperful of Turmeric

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Fibromyalgia Pain Gone

I kind of had to laugh at first when one of my clients told me of her new found cure to help with the pain she experiences with Fibromyalgia.  But hey???  Whatever works.  I think I'm definitely going to give this one a try. Nothing to lose and how EASY!!!

I don't know what exactly is the medicinal cure in this... something in the Raisins, or is it the booze???  Or is it the combination of the 2.  I haven't looked into it just yet, but really, does it matter if it works?  Don't really have to get all technical over everything and pick things apart.  If it works, it works.

Here it is... Simple, simple!!!

Buy at the Bulk Store ... LIGHT Raisins (they have to be the light colored ones!) And the good ones, not the cheap bin!

Soak raisins for 2 days in GIN

Pour off the Gin, do whatever you want with it.  Pour it out, drink it as it would have the medicinal qualities in it as well from soaking the raisins in it....

And ... she says she only eats 9 raisins/day.  3 raisins 3 times a day....and her pain is gone!

*** Remember people ... as with all wholistic type tinctures, homeopaths, etc., less is more.  No need to consume the whole jar of Raisins.  Although, that may make you feel better as well, but you'll probably just end up drunk!!!  Lol.

Happy soaking!!!

4 Tbsps a Day Magic Recipe

A friend of mine recently gave me this recipe that he got from a friend of his who swears by it... (You know how that goes, right?)  So ... I'm passing it along to you!

This revolutionary cancer curing recipe is from a famous Russian Scientist Hristo Mermerski and has been widely recognized by many people. 

This recipe nourishes the WHOLE BODY and is able to withdraw the cancer accordingto Dr. Mermerski!  It has the ability to strengthen and cure the heart, cleanse the blood vessels, improve the immune system, detox the liver and kidney, enhance your memory and prevent a heart attack. 

Sounds like a miracle cure!!!  And we have nothing to lose to at least give it a try!!! 

To prepare this recipe, you will need:

12 fresh garlic cloves
15 lemons
14 oz. fresh walnuts (fresh is the key here)
14 oz. sprouted grains (green wheat)
35 oz. natural honey

First, you will have to prepare the sprouted grains.  

To do this, take a glass bowl and put the green wheat in it.  Add water in the bowl,enough to cover them and let them soak during the night.  

The next morning, or after 12 hours at least, drain the wheat, wash them with water, and drain them again. You can use guaze to strain them.  

After that, put them in a bowl again and leave them for 24 hours.  24 hours later you'll have sprouted grains.

After all this is done ,take a grinder and put the walnuts, garlic cloves and the sprouted wheat in it.  Grind them together.  

Then grind 5 unpeeled lemons and add them to the mixture.  

The remaining 10 lemons should be squeezed and their juice added to the mixture.  

After it's all mixed together, mix the honey in it with a wooden spoon. 

Pour the mixture into a glass jar and put it in a fridge.  Consume after 3 days.

You should take 1 - 2 tbsp,30 minutes BEFORE every meal and 30 minutes BEFORE GOING TO BED.  If you suffer from cancer, consume 1 - 2 Tbsp EVERY 2 HOURS!!!

The secret to this recipe is that it's rich in all the essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, fats and bioactive substances your body needs and keeps your body healthy by promoting the function of all your orangs and glands!

Original article my friend said was from Mr. Healthy Life.